Arm Wrestling Champ

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Alex woke up when he heard Kalon's breathing change, he opened his eyes to watch her get up and walk up stairs. Still in wolf form he got up to go into his office, after getting ready for the day he decided that before he began his work he would go check on Kalon. Walking up stairs he found her in her art room, she was painting a picture of a white wolf.

Kalon looked at Alex, "When will I get my wolf back? Will she look like this?" 

Alex looked at his little artist, "I don't know but I wish I could give you an answer. I have some work to do today. What would you like to do?"

Kalon turned back into her painting and picked the brush back up adding trees in the background, "Kalon where did you learn to paint?"

"It was all I was allowed to do most of the time. Can I hang out with Steven and Titus today?" Kalon continued to paint and Alex just watched her.

"They are training today but you can watch if you want," she nodded her head and held out her hand to him.

"Titus where are you?" 

There was an answer and then Alex was leading her down the stairs, Titus was sitting at the kitchen table. Kalon let go of Alex's hand and crawled onto the chair next to him at the table. He was eating pancakes and Kalon looked at them then at Titus, "Can I have some cakes?" 

Titus just laughed and gave her his fork, continuing to talk to the other guards and fighters. Alex watched how Kalon fit right into this group of men.

Alex sat down next to Kalon and grabbed his own plate with pancakes on it. Then he heard one of the guards ask Kalon what she was going to do today, "I am gonna watch Titus and Steven train again! Guess what I can spell Titus! Want to hear?" James the guard who had asked nodded his head. "T. I. uhh T! U. S. but guess what Andrea also taught me?" 

James looked at Kalon and took a guess, "Did she teach you how to spell wolf?"

Alex glared up at James, Kalon looked at James and giggled, "Yes! but I learned A. L. E. X. A. N. D. E. R." 

Alex looked at his mate and smiled. Just then another guard Adam sat down, "Hey, oh look who it is arm wrestling champ! I think we need a rematch."

Alex was so confused on what was going on, "Titus what is going on, she is the arm wrestling champ?" 

 Titus laughed out loud and start choking on his drink, "She wins every time because we let her. But it is so funny when she thinks she has hurt us, one of these days you should really join training again."

Kalon looked at Steven walking in and whispered to Titus but everyone could hear it. "Hey, I am not always late! I just like to take my time," Steven yelled in Kalon's direction. 

Alex noticed everyone at the table slighting moving then James yelled out, "Last one outside doesn't get ice cream later!" And with that everyone went running outside even Kalon.

Alex couldn't believe how free his little mate was acting, he decided to put off his work into later and join the training session. Outside Kalon was sitting on the grass counting while all the guys starting doing pushups but she was only counting to 13 then she would stop and start over from 1. Alex laughed but joined in.

Soon the guys started sparring with each other and one by one they would go over to Kalon to arm wrestle with her, "We arm wrestle with her so she doesn't get scared about us fighting each other." 

Alex knew his pack would do anything for their Luna and couldn't help but feel proud of them.

Ben walked into Alex's office with a stack of papers, "Alex where are you, you are going to want to see this. It's about Kalon." 

 Alex walked away from the training knowing his mate would be safe out here. When Alex got to his office he saw Ben waiting for him, "Alpha I have information here proving that Holly and Peter sold their daughter. " 

Alex took the paper work from Ben's hand and starting flipping through the pages. Alex was staring at a picture of Holly giving a child to one guy while Peter was receiving a stack of what looked like money from another person, "Get them into the jail house! NOW!"

Kalon was watching the guys run in a circle was suddenly Ben was outside, Kalon ran over to him. He ignored her to follow Alphas command and shifted into his wolf running away. Kalon didn't know what she could have done to make him so mad at her but she knew she did something wrong. 

She sat down and started crying waiting for her punishment to come, James walked over to her, "Hey, no don't be sad Ben has some important work he needs to do. Luna, you don't need to cry."

Alex sat in his office shaking he didn't know what to do, but he knew he had to call a regional pack meeting. After making some phone calls to the Alphas in his region. He sent a message to a team that was out rescuing a girl to not return her to her parents till he gave the okay.

It took awhile for Kalon to calm down but once she was she asked, "Can I go see Alex please?" Steven nodded his head yes and then help out his hand for her to take. 

Kalon and Steven walked into the house and towards Alex's office when Kalon asked Steven, "Will I have to leave if I am not a wolf?" 

Steven looked down at Kalon, "No there are a few people here who can not turn into a wolf," he paused for a minute, "Like William!"

"But I thought William was Alex's brother?" Kalon thought everyone here was a wolf. 

"He is but they are different that is all."

"Where is William?" 

Steven looked down at her, "He had to go get his things, he is moving back here. He will be back soon." 

They reached Alex's office just as he was walking out to pack for the meeting he had planned, "Hello little mate. Steven shouldn't you be training."

"Yes, Alpha but Luna wanted to see you, Ben accidently ignored her and she was quite upset." 

Alex held out his hand for Kalon to take and lead her away, "So, my little mate, would you like to join me while I pack up somethings?" 

Kalon nodded her head and was lead to a part of the house she had never been in before.

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