Birds and Bees

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Alex oversaw the planning for the dinner while Kalon played with the toys she had gotten, "Alex play with me." 

He looked to his mate, "Later, right now I'm busy."

She looked at him, "But you said it was play time. So you should play!" 

He shook his head, "No Kalon, later," he was being pulled in different directions so when she asked again he snapped, "I SAID NO!"

Kalon backed away and started to cry she dropped to her knees not saying a word. Aaron came running down stairs to see everyone looking at the pair, "Kali what happened?" When his hand touched her shoulder he saw what had happened through her eyes, "She only wanted to play!" 

Titus was next into the room followed by most of the pack. Alex came closer to Kalon but she stayed where she was, "I'm sorry, just everyone was talking to me." His wolf was yelling at him and he growled loudly, Titus stepped in front of his Luna to protect her. Alex's wolf made him inch closer to Kalon, Titus shifted and growled.

Alex's wolf back away slightly but shifted as well, "Titus let me near her." 

"You know my wolf won't let me do that till you calm down."

Steven and Aaron moved closer to Kalon and got her off the ground to take her upstairs. Alex growled and jumped into the door way to stop them. Everyone was now trapped in the great hall with an angry Alpha.

Kalon was staying quiet and not moving, Titus moved his wolf to bend around her and she laid into his fur. Alex laid down and looked to his mate, "Someone get me a ball please."

One of the pack members ran and got a ball and placed it in front of him. Alex nudged the ball to Kalon's feet and she kicked the ball back. He grabbed it in his mouth and tossed it into her hands. People were starting to filter out and Steven, Aaron and Titus were the only ones left.

Kalon was throwing the ball back and forth but then she stopped and yawned. She held the ball and stood up, walked over to Alex and pet him, "May I go take a nap?" 

Alex nodded his wolf head and nudged her towards the door. She walked out of the room and towards the stairs Alex's wolf following her. In the room he hopped onto the bed and she laid next to him. His wolf wasn't going to let him shift back anytime soon.

Kalon fell asleep petting Alex's fur. After a few hours Alex shifted back and brought Kalon closer to him. Giving her a kiss on the head she giggled, "That tingles."

They stayed in bed till it was time for dinner and everyone was there when they walked in, "I'd like to say something," Alex announced, "I apologize to my mate and to the pack for disrespecting your Luna. I meant no harm to her and I hope you all can forgive me. Now let's eat!"

Kalon sat at the table while Alex left to get her food. Alex brought her the food and then everyone started to eat, "So Kalon when do you think you'll finish the mural in my room?" 

She looked at her brother, "Next week maybe."

Kalon ate all she could and then looked at Carrie, "Remember the painting ? Can I tell you his name or who his mate is? Is it really Ben's baby too?"

Carrie laughed, " I do remember it and no I want those to be surprises. He is Ben's baby too."

Kalon looked over at Alex, "How come I don't play play here? Are you just holding me for someone else?"

Alex stood and cleared his throat, "Enjoy the rest of your meal. The Luna and I will be heading to bed."

Kalon shot out of her seat, "I'm the Luna!" Everyone laughed and waved goodbye.

"Kalon," Alex began on the walk up, "There is no need to play that way. This is your home forever."

"But that's what I was born for." 

Alex shook his head and opened the door for Kalon, "Kalon I'm going to get you a therapist."

"What's that? Can I finish painting in the bedroom?" 

He nodded, "Someone for you to talk to I think it will help you adjust here even more."

She poured some paint out and added trees, "I talk to you."

"Yes Kalon," he laid on the bed and turned the TV on, "This is different though, just try it for me please." 

She nodded and continued to paint, "Alex?" he looked back at her, "who do you play with?"

"Kali, it's not playing it's sex and it's something you are only supposed to do with your mate. I promise you will learn soon and it will make sense okay? But here in this pack, sex is something that is wanted from both people and it's also how you make a baby."

Kalon put the paints down and ran out the room, Alex followed her back to the table they sat at for dinner, "You guys had sex? Did you both want to Alex said that's a rule!" Everyone turned there heads, kids looked confused and people were shocked.

Alex grabbed Kalon and picked her up, "We are going back to bed sorry to disrupt everyone."

Once they were back in their room he locked the door and sat her on the couch, "Let's talk and no running out. Because you can't talking about sex in public like that."

Alex spent the next hour or so giving her the dreaded birds and bees talk.

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