Calling William

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Alex left her with Steven, walking through the the crowd he said hello to everyone and made sure all was well before grabbing his own food and beginning to eat. That was until a pack member came running up to him, "What is wrong?" 

He instantly was trying to calm her down but when she responded it was him who did the running, "The Luna."

Alex almost shifted into his wolf when he saw that Kalon was on her knees head down while Jace stood in front of her looking shocked. "What is going on here? Kalon what are you doing?" 

She didn't lift her head but she did answer him, "I thought he was here for me. I thought I had to play with him again." Alex looked up at Jace who was backing away.

"Little one, I told you that you wouldn't be playing like that anymore," Ben's voice broke through the crowd but Alex was to focus on Jace to even worry he knew Kalon was safe so he stalked after Jace grabbing him by the neck and brought him outside before slamming him against the nearest tree. 

"You touched my mate?!" Jace was desperately trying to breathe while shaking his head. By now everyone was watching the scene. Alex didn't let Jace go but he loosened his hold, "I'm waiting for an answer."

Jace looked at his mate who was crying then back at the Alpha Alex, "I was young, I hadn't met Emily yet, and I was still a rouge." 

Everyone gasped as they heard what he was saying, "The guys I was running with said they had a great way to get rid of some stress. I went to see her a couple times a week for a few months, that was till I found Emily." 

Jace looked back at Emily who just looked away, Alex had heard enough with out a second though he quickly threw Jace into another tree before shifting into his wolf,  growling and snapping his teeth at the man who once touched his mate. 

"Wolfie!" Kalon looked up when she heard a bark and saw Alex's wolf, "Can I go pet it Ben?" Ben thought for a second before nodding his head. Titus was already pulling Jace away from the yard and all the people with Emily following. When Kalon reached Alex she gently pet his fur and rubbed behind his ear. Alex laid down on the ground enjoying the tingling feeling his mate was giving him. She sat down in front of Alex and grabbed his big head in her hands, before pulling him over her like a blanket.

Everyone had returned to what the were doing but kept glancing at the pair together. Ben walked over as some of the women were cleaning up, "Alex, I think you should get her in for some sleep. It's getting dark out and she has had a long day," Alex stood up from Kalon and shifted back.    

"Come on my little mate, let's head to bed."

 Kalon didn't know who to believe Ben said she didn't have to play anymore but Alex just got her he was taken her to bed. Knowing Ben listened to Alex she had no choice but to also listen to him, grabbing the necklace Ben had given her she bowed her head before answering, "Yes Mister Alpha." 

Alex stopped walking and everyone who heard stopped what they were doing to listen in. Ben noticed the difference in her the minute she said it. She went from a happy child to an obedient slave in the matter of seconds, "Kalon," Ben placed a hand on her shoulder, "Alex is taking you to go to sleep. Not to play. If it even makes you feel better, ask Alex to change into his wolf or even if you would like to sleep in the same room as someone else you can just say so."

Kalon was still staring at her feet deciding what to do when Alex spoke up, "Would you like to spend the night with Melly?" Kalon stood still, she didn't understand why they weren't just telling her to do something.

"Ben, go prepare the lounge with pillows and blankets all over the floor. Steven, Titus, and James go help him and then all of you shift in to your wolves when you are done. Bella and Carrie please take your Luna to have a bath and get her something to sleep in," Alex waited till everyone was doing what he said before walking away to call someone he knew could help.

Kalon was still confused when she saw everyone walk away and two new pairs of feet walk towards her, "Kalon, come with us. It's time for a bath." 

She grabbed Bella and Carrie's hands walking them towards the house when she saw Melly kissing Titus, Kalon couldn't take her eyes off the pair. Carrie noticed, "Kalon, what's wrong? Do you want her to come with us?"

Melly notices Kalon looking at her and pulled away from Titus, "I need to go see her." Titus gave her one last kiss before watching his own mate walk away. 

Once Melly reached Kalon she asked her what was wrong, "Is that your master?" 

Melly shook her head and began walking Kalon to the bathroom, "No. He is my mate. Kalon no one here has a master. Some of the girls are like you and me but now they don't have to listen to anyone anymore. Kalon you can say no here."

"Mate? Alex called me little mate." 

Kalon looked up to Melly who was smiling at her. "Someone will explain tomorrow Kalon, right now you need a bath."

Alex sat down and dialed a number he hadn't in such a long time after a few short rings someone picked up, "Well if it isn't the big bad Alpha that took my spot and kicked me from the pack. You wouldn't be calling unless you really needed me, so what is it?" 

Alex sighed admitting defeat to himself, "I need your help William. It's my mate, she is one of the girls we saved but there is fear that she might be Unchangeable." 

There was a pause on the other end of the line, "I'll be there in a week, little brother."

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