William's Mate

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"You are going to leave me?" 

Alex sat across from her, "Of course not, I just have to go away for a few days again," he stood up, "I'm not going to lie to you. The wolf that bite you, we know where he is and we are going to bring him down here," he grabbed a few T-shirt , "These all smell like me. They will bring you some comfort."

"But isn't the ocean really far from here?" 

Alex nodded, "Yeah? Why? You want to go there when I get back?" 

She looked up at him confused, "But that's where Jake is, I can see him now."

Alex asked her to go with him to see Aaron, she agreed. They walked to his and Steven's apartment. Kalon has been here many time and they always tell her to just come in so she turned the handle, "BROTHERS!" 

They came out of their rooms, "Kali!" 

Steven and Aaron came over to her and Aaron looked at her, "What are you so confused about?"

Alex looked over at him, "An Alpha from a near by pack has told me about a location to a wolf we are hunting, Kali says she can see him now and that he is at the beach. What beach is my question." 

Arron put his hand out to Kalon and she placed hers in his, "Crystallake Ocean."

Kalon turned to Alex, "I told you. Also Melly hasn't been around much, where is she?" 

Alex lead her out of her brother's "She doesn't roam a lot she likes to keep to herself."

"So are you going to the Ocean then? To catch Jake?" 

Alex walked with her to his office, "I don't know I'm going to call that Alpha back and then call council." He sat behind his desk and looked over the notes he had taken and his plan to attack.

 "Alpha," one of the guards nodded to him and then looked to Kalon, "Luna, a team is back with a girl. They are just outside the border."

Alex stood back up and Kalon followed him outside. Alex recognized her but he didn't know from where, Kalon looked at the girl and then pulled on Alex's sleeve, "Yes, my little mate?" 

She whispered to him and then he smiled and turned to the guard, "Will you go fetch William and tell him it's important?" 

The guard ran off while Alex asked her for her name, "It's Arie."

William step outside and she looked up instantly, he quickly rushed over to her, "Mine." 

He kisses her and Kalon took a few steps back, Alex turned to his mate, "What's wrong?" 

She pointed to the couple quietly talking to each other, "She broke rule number one, she is in big trouble. Aren't you going to punish her?"

Alex dismissed everyone and told William to make sure Bella checked Arie out. "Kalon, no one. And I mean no one will be punished if they do not break a rule we have. She has broken no rules of ours."

"What are the rules here then?" 

Alex walked her inside and to the office where she sat on the couch and he sat behind the desk, "I don't like when people hurt others on purpose. But that doesn't mean we will hurt them. Like your parents or that man who had Hannah, they go to our cells and then we ask them questions. Sometimes we tell them they can't be in our pack and other times we turn them over to council."

Kalon moved to her chair that was closer to Alex as he called the Alpha back, "We will not be coming to aid your pack in a war. I have received new information about the rogues whereabouts . I do not appreciate being lied to and I will be reaching out to the council." 

The conversation ended quick and he began his paper work and telling the pack that they would not being going anywhere.

"How come I don't call you Alpha? Or Ben, Beta?" 

"Because you are my mate, that means you are an Alpha to but they call you Luna. And Ben has no control over you so you don't have to call him Beta." 

Alex stamped a few more papers and noticed Kalon getting closer and closer. Alex turned his head to look at her, "Kalon does it bother you when we aren't close or touching?" 

She nodded her head, "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course," he nodded, "anything."

"In the middle of the night I move as close to you as I can but I move away in the morning." 

He looked at her and shook his head laughing, "You don't need to move away," he sat back in his chair, "We are mates. You can be as close as you want to be."

She nodded, "I haven't really learned about mates yet. Can I go paint?" 

He nodded and she ran out and he heard her run up the stairs. A few hours later Kalon still hadn't returned to Alex went up to her painting room to find her. When she wasn't there he followed her scent around the house.

"Forever?" He heard his mates voice, she was sitting on the floor in James room and he was at his desk turned to look at her, "Yes forever. Mates are special, we only get one in our entire life. Today when William kissed Arie it was because they are mates. Just like some times you see Beta Ben and Carrie hug, they show love that way."

Kalon nodded, "Does that mean I have to kiss and hug Alex?"

James shook his head, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"He kissed me here," she pointed to the top of her head, "it was all sparky. Just like when he holds my hand!" 

He chuckled, "Tingly. And yes because you are mates that's what happens." 

James looked up and saw Alex looking in the room smiling. Kalon looked behind her and smiled, "Kali anytime you have a question feel free to come back." 

"Let's go eat little one." 

In the kitchen they were sitting down, "I learned about mates!" 

Alex nodded his head, "What did you learn?"

She sat up straight and smiled, "We are going to be together FOREVER!" She yelled, "That makes me really happy!"

Alex smiled at her, "It makes me really happy to little mate."

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