RedSon x Magic reader

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Requested by: @Neckstonskeleton
Story: idk... uhhhh oh! Training arc cause why not. Also your already dating cause I said so.

•Okay! Training... you were basically the worst at it at first. You never listened properly and normally got your self into danger, with redson having to calm you down before you destroyed the whole area you trained in.

•But, slowly but surely you began to kinda listen... just cause he resulted in just simple things first. Likeeee combat without magic with maybe focusing on your force field.

• "See, you need to calm yourself before you destroy both of us!" "Pfft since when did you known how to calm yourself?" Redson was more than a tad bit angry at your remark as you could see fire flick at the ends of his hair. "Well at least I can fully control my power! You can't." Tbh he almost sounded proud of himself which left you with the bitter end of the stick. But you decided to train just as hard to be better than him.

•Days turned into weeks as you trained non stop and started to become really good with your power however then you started to lose something important. Sleep. And Redson could see it on your face.. you were tired and he was concerned (tho he barely showed it).

•Soon it got to the point you weren't eating as much, which really concerned Redson. "Do you perhaps want to take a break...Lightfire?" You just quickly shook your head and continued to practice *insert colour here* aura surrounding you. "If I wanna control it I gotta train as hard as I can! I'll be fine~ don't worry Red." Except he was already worried, he didn't like seeing your tired which you clearly were.

• "Okay that's enough training for today N/N" you were going to say something but before you could you felt to arms pick you up bridal style as the *colour* aura faded away. "Redson?! Hey put me down!!" Nope he wasn't going to. You've been overworking for way to long and he couldn't deal with it so he just carried you to your room plopped you on the bed and started to cuddle with you. "You're not leaving until you get your rest! That's an order Lightfire." "But I.." before you could even get a word out he placed a soft kiss on your lips which you happily melted into but soon came to and end. "You've not been sleeping nor eating so that changes now." You sighed and basically gave in and this point. Melting into his cuddle as he was to you a personal radiator which made everything better.

•You did use your magic to change both of you into your pjs and then cuddled the day away.

Yayyyyyyyyy.... Love this man
Also the reason that your name is like never mentioned in because he doesn't really use your name. Like most people but he thinks your higher than them so he calls you nice nicknames <3
Word count: 509

Monkie kid x MReader oneshots Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ