Nezha x FlirtyMreader

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Hahahaahah I'm back snowbunnies! (Idk why I called you that)

I forgot who requested this forgive me
Gender: male
Type: floofy

•you've known to flirt with lots of people, it's normally just complements though. Nothing creepy.

•also you have never really thought of a relationship during the lbd crap because ya know... shit was going on.

•but as soon as you saw handsome boy Nezha during that little 'yay we killed that bitch party' you thought 'hey, he seems cool to mess around with'

•and he hated your guts. He's a man with standards so he's confused and like "bro wtf you doing"

•which ain't best for you but hey, you will see this man again, you're immortal!

•the more you interact with him the more you fall for him and vis versa tho. Sometimes he'll just go in the corner when you flirt with him and be embarrassed, and you think it's adorable. Like. Who wouldn't?

•he's confused if you have feelings so you'll have to make the move first.

•it probably take around like 1-2 years for him to actually have feelings for you, it doesn't just happen over night, and he's probably never felt love before. So be patient

• once you are in a relationship, be ready for lots of dates, and Nezha trying to flirt with you and end up failing miserably.

•you think it's absolutely adorable and if you tell him that, he's gonna excuse himself to the bathroom call mk or Mei and be like "help me. I can't they said I was cute what do I doooo" he calms down once he gets a pep talk from the duo tho.

•his love language is most likely more verbal and helping you do stuff around the house

• ✨house husband material✨

• you would have to ask this man for cuddles, he won't give them to you on his own

•so normally you just hug him and be like "my dear lotus prince, I ask if thy want cuddles, and you're looking enchanting today"

•he'd think it's charming and just unable to say no

•overall he'd be a mess with you but he's your mess and you love him (you should since you're dating by now-)

Note: heheheh Nezha is my fav (next to yin and Jin) also I'm back wooooo

Word count: 389

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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