Redson x Loyal Reader

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•hahahaha your loyal to this mf?

•maybe it's more love than loyalty? Ehhh guess it can be both :)

•For some reason you're both idiots and don't even realise you like each other even though it's RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACES!!!

•anywaysss... you've done more than help with man. You've battled for him, trained with him, helped with his tech stuff all that jazz.

•you do give him his space when he asks for it.

•which is probably the main reason he likes you. Cause you ✨respect✨ him. And so does he a lot!

•however, MK and Mei easily catch wind of your feelings for each other and try to hint at both of you.

•but your both dumb brains and oblivious :/

•the fun part is. Is that even his parents know it and once PIF has had enough and finally tells redson just so she doesn't have to see the CRINGE of this random love story cliche.

•Redson as soon as he hears basically flames and makes all the preparations to ask you out.

•you knowww flowers chocolate (or sweets if you're not a chocolate person) the whole package!

•when you find out cause he asks you you're the very calm and accept!

(Tho inside you're freaking out)

•soon you two do almost everything together!

•tho sometimes Mei and Mk make fun of you guys :P

Note:I'm back lol been a while :)

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