Nezha x shyreader

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GN pronouns cause never told me or I'm bad at reading
Also enjoy that thing I drew ^^^

•oh boy. You weren't ready for your friends to introduce you to a celestial being.

•you didn't know how to act, what to say. You were a mess and nearly died from embarrassment. (Your friends managed to calm you down)

•Nezha took interest in you surprisingly. He thought it was kind of humouring how you got so flustered and embarrassed by him just being there.

•soon though he started to get kinda annoyed.

•every time he tried to talk to you. You just ran away without saying a word or tried to give an excuse.

•though eventually the group (mainly MK, Mei and Sandy) gave you enough courage to finally talk to Nezha

•Nezha was beyond excited that you were finally talking to him (though he didn't really show it)

•you guys had a really good conversation and you started to come outta your shell a bit more!

•you talked with Nezha daily. Sometimes he would come by your house just to speak to you!

•you were still quiet and shy most the time but you were talking to him! (Though it was mainly Nezha doing the talking)

•soon we all know, you both started catching feelings.

•and when he asked you out- you became redder than the samadhi fire you were flushed and could barely talk.

•so you decided to just kiss him so he would get the message. Which he happily accepted.

•after the kiss you basically fainted. Like on the floor dead (not really dead but you get the idea)

•he was scared at first (poor man thought he had killed you)

•but you recovered after like 20 minutes. So all good 👌

•he loves to fluster you now but not to the point of fainting. Though it's nearly happened once or twice..

•and you've slowly started to overcome your shyness. What Nezha adores that your trying to be more talkative!

Notes: didn't really have an ending. also if you've already requested don't feel shy  (haha get it?) to request again it honestly makes me less bored :)

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