Wukong x sick reader

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Oh no you're sick D:
Jk get wrecked /j

•you start coughing and are really hot (like actually you don't look hot /j)

•wukong is in full panic mode, he doesn't know what to do he's never gotten sick cause he can't and no one's ever been sick around him!

•he immediate thought is to go to Mk and ask so he does and gets all supplies he needs in order to help you

•as soon as he comes back he realises you're not in bed anymore and goes into another panic.

•And there's you trying to make breakfast even tho your sick :/

•as soon as he find you he immediately picks you up bridal style and sets you down on your bed.

• "I'm not letting my partner get even more sick! You're staying right here!"

•he's basically telling you off like you're a little kid! Rude.

•he's basically there for you every day until you feel better (even telling MK he can't train him until you feel better. Which MK isn't really happy about but understands so agrees anyways)

•he gets you medicine, helps you when you don't even need it.

•once when you went to the bathroom when you got outside the door he was sitting on floor waiting for you like a puppy.

•sadly he can't give you too many cuddles otherwise you'd probably die from overheating.

•but he'll give you cuddles when he can

•he'll even go to pigsy's and take some noodles to help you!

•overall he's just really worried for you and will cuddle you almost to death when you recover due to him not being able to cuddle you as much when you're sick.

Note: ayeeee lololol this is cute ngl

Word count: 291

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