Mei x Readers Bday Fem

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Hahahahhaahhaha birthdays am I right?

•soooo this dragon pony girl is your girlfriend right? Like only for a few months but STILL I think we all need a Mei in our lives I know I do :,)

•Anyways it's nearly your birthday! Yayyyyyyyy! So you run up to Mei bein all like "babyyy it's my bday next week!" And she's soo happy she picks you up and starts spinning you around adorable and after you leave to do something..

•she starts panicking a BUNCH like she's nervous she's scared cause...she don't know what to get you!! She wants to get you a bunch of stuff but not so much that it fills the brim of your house- or apartment.

•she bolts straight to MK to ask him to do a undercover mission to find what you REALLY want for your birthday!

•MK and you take a walk around town to try and find out what you want. And you wanted a cute big green dragon plushie!!!

•Mei (who's been following you both) is honestly just love struck cause you keep saying how cute it is and how it reminds you of her! So that's her plan! To get you that plushie!

•soon after you and MK leave to go to a different store, Mei runs up and quickly purchases the green dragon (basically just throwing a bunch of money at the cashier what's way more than it's worth and running away)

•skip forward to your birthday!!! Yay.

•everyone's already given you their presents expect for Mei? She should of been here by now. Suddenly MK asks you to put a blindfold on and as you do he leads you to a very nice looking garden (you don't know this cause blindfold)

•as soon as you're allowed to take it off you see Mei with... THE DRAGON PLUSHIE?! You were amazed and immediately tackled her to the ground basically just thanking her every couple of seconds and kissing her face a bunch.

•very nice moment :)

Heyyy I'm back bud please wait a bit before requesting still got some requests and the macaque book to do :)

Word count: 358

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