Macaque x Male therapy Mei's brother reader

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That's a long title anyways thanks for @Aries_Nee for requesting I'm calling you my bestie now.

•soo you're the therapist of the group next to sandy and everyone agrees (especially Mei cause you're her brother and she trusts you) to do a therapy session with macaque.

•the first time... it doesn't go so well he barely listens and just doesn't care and never shared anything.

•won't stop you from trying though!

•after like 10 sessions he'll start to open up which gets you excited every time he does

•he find it cute ngl

•like a couple months later cause why not therapy sessions are going really well and you tell macaque that soon he might not have to come round cause he's doing really well!

•he's not happy about that. He wants to stay with you cause duh. You're the best and you've been able to calm a lot of people down (especially your sister when she couldn't control the fire of samadhi)

•so he started getting into fights and that again which cause more therapy sessions.

•however you realised that after a few therapy sessions after he decided to fight and that again he had this look in his eye like he was love struck.

•he soon accidentally confessed during one of his sessions but oh well you both liked each other.

•now he still had therapy sessions but after the actual session had ended he would cuddle you a bunch. He loved your touch and your voice it was everything to him!

•he wanted nothing more than your help and no one else's.

•even tho you had other patients like MK sometimes macaque would just be laying down on your lap while you stroke him (like a cat lol)

•no one really minded tho so hooray

•he loved his dragon prince (is what he'd call you idk why) and no one could get in the way

Note:this is such a cute dynamic to me (some one who really needs therapy x a therapist companion)

Word count: 340

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