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Okay so ima be not here for a couple weeks may comment on peoples stories and ask for requests but that's it.

The reason is I just feel very drained and have no energy whatsoever. And feel like my life is falling apart rn.

Like my mum basically came out for me as NB even though I never said I was comfortable with her doing that.

And when my cousin asked (she's like 28) about it I said me cause it's already out there and all she said was "get a grip"

And I've just been questioning my life and my gender identity basically having massive gender dysphoria and really depressive thoughts.

It's gotten to the point where I can't even keep my own room tidy and having major anger issues and nearly blocking any connection to most people.

Heck it's gotten to the point where I've nearly barricaded the door once.

Sorry this is basically a massive vent.

Also major shoutout to everyone who's supported me doing this and has requested and commented it really helped to lift my spirits and authors! Please continue to do what you're doing your doing amazing and I love your stories <3

Again sorry this is just a massive vent and I will try and get better from it and post again soon but for now I gotta go bye bye (kinda)!

Love y'all!

Word count: 235

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