Syntax x daughter of spider qween

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Yes I said qween on purpose fight me.

•hahaha oh boy you weren't ready for this man.

•as soon as you met him..

•you thought he was a dweeb and his voice was annoying :)

(Bet you guys thought I was gonna say love at first sight didn't ya >:) )

•unfortunately he had to guard you cause ya know. Princess stuff

•after the failed attempt at the new year. You blamed it on him cause it's his invention lol.

•you got kinda along eventually tho.

•you started to enjoy watching him make stuff (you sometimes helped)

•soon that hate turned into a crush and you both knew it.

•spider queen didn't like it and wanted you and him to not be near each other

•(she got the memo eventually)

•he likes to treat you like a queen (better than spider queen tbh :) )

•he basically pampers you: kisses your hand, holds your hand, helps with some wounds.

•he brings you anything he can find

•he also likes to make you things cause of course he does he's an inventor

•overall you guys kinda just clicked over time.

•sad he died tho and you did soon after him hahahahahaha

Note: told you these were gonna be short lol gonna be posting a lot more thooooo :)

Word count: 200

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