Redson x "Gardener" reader

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Ima make this GN pronouns cause you never said or I just can't read.

•you were such a SWEET little thing that WOULDNT hurt a FLY

•that's what everyone thought. Deep inside though.. you were just a sick and twisted as everyone else.

•the only thing you thought was good in your life was your boyfriend redson.

•he was YOUR light YOUR reason to keep living in this sadistic world.

•You believed it was DESTINY
(Oh no... that word..)

•however some people would interfere with both your destiny's.

•that simply couldn't happen.

•so they might go missing.. they make great fertiliser though!

•Redson caught onto this missing disappearance of people. But you couldn't be behind it! Could you?

•one day he was round your house helping you tend your garden until he smelt something.


•he excused himself to get some "tea" to which you let him and continued to tend to your garden.

•he found himself going down into a hidden room under your house
(You're an idiot redson)

•and what he found... couldn't have been anymore disgusting.

•piles and piles of dead bodies of people who rather had a crush on him or just didn't like your relation ship in general.

•they had roots sticking out of their: eyes, mouths, arms! Legs! Some flowers even sticking from the roots.

•he ever felt so scared in his life. Sure he was evil but this? It looked like torture. He was about to make a run for it.

• "what are you doing down here darling?~"

•He turned around to see you.. your eyes were blank didn't have a hint of emotion in them your clothes still covered in dirt.

•You walked towards him while he walked back until he hit a wall.

•you looked at him before giving him a sadistic smile.

• "don't come near me I'll tell.."

• "tell WHO darling? No one will believe you! No one believes I can hurt a fly."

•he soon realised you were right. No one would believe him would they? "Why...?"

•you soon started to explain that this was their destiny and that everyone had gotten in the way. So what better to do than make them useful? Make them apart of the earth where they can help plants grow.

•you continued your relation ship though it now was more one sided but you were happy either way.

•if he did rebel I think he would make the most perfect roses wouldn't you?

Note: jeez this is actually dark shout out to @dumb_phr0g for requesting this!

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