Nezha x NB reader

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I'm non binary so this is cool

Hahahah immortal god who falls in love with someone but doesn't get the concept of there life choices but supports and lives you anyways? Sign me up

•anyways you've been wanting to come out to your adorable boyfriend Nezha for a while now but never found that courage to.

•until now >:)

•anywaysss when you do he's confused and starts asking a bunch of questions

•which you answer and are shaking at this point you're scared he might go against it or something

•but he understands well and is very supportive about it!

•he starts saying your preferred name instead of your dead name (he might mess up once or twice but he immediately apologises and gets really disappointed in himself when he does)

•he gets the hang of it in like 3-4 weeks (he's been along a very long time and just found out about it give him time :) )

•he changes some of his nicknames from " my queen/king" to "my monarch" stuff like that!

•overall he's very supportive and will not let anyone mis gender or dead name you otherwise it's the chopping block for them 😤

Notes: IM GONNA ADD CHANG'E CAUSE I LOVE HER ALSO POSSESSED WUKONG AND PORTY MK :D if you wanna request any of them please do it in the request page ^^

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