Chapter 2 sweet Justice part 2

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After school, the girls and boys had arrived at the mall.

Diana: By the white beard of Zeus, what is this place?

Ben: Never seen a mall before?

Diana: No, not really.

Babs: Normal teenage lesson number one, never say stuff like... "By the white of Zeus." Lesson number two, you gotta look the part. Bright colors, big logos, be bold![puts sweater on her]

Kara: [grabs a bunch of leather] Leather, lots and lots of leather.

Babs: [takes out phone] Lesson three, your phone is your life. Pics, emails, texts, shopping, social media, every single bit of knowledge mankind has ever known!

But as she was showing her, it was making her dizzy.

Jessica: [grunt] Uh, no leather. [hands her clothes] These were all made with organic cotton from Turkey.

Karen: [shows sweater] Dress to not draw attention to yourself. But not to much, or you risk drawing attention to yourself.

Babs: Now, get in there and be normal!

As she was changing, Ben was sitting with Rook and was talking to him.

Ben: So, Rook, should I tell them about my whole life or not?

Rook: Well you did tell them that your a galactic hero already, so that is enough infomation to me.

Ben: I know, but I mean like how I started with the Omnitrix and the misfires I had.

Rook: I'm sure Diana will ask you about it later.

Ben: Right. [stomach growls] You know, after all of this school stuff, I'm pretty hungry.

Rook: We will get some food after we get Diana into modern age.

When Diana came out of the changing room, she was wearing a bunch of mismatching cloths.

Rook: Is this what you call modern age?

Babs: No, Rook! I know what we need! Accessories!

As Babs came back with a bunch of different clothes, Zee tripped her from doing it.

Babs: Woah! [falls down]

Ben: You good?

Babs: Yeah.

Zee: [sigh] [puts away compact mirror] Have you finished tormenting this poor girl?

Rook: This is what you call torment?

Zee: Yes it is. Allow me to take care of her. Detcefrep rennam lla ni stcefrep kool. ["perfected manner all in perfect look" with each word in reverse] Ta-da!

Jessica: Oh, she's good.

Babs: [gasp]

Ben: Nice.

Rook: Amazing work, Zee.

Zee: Thank you! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Diana Prince. Foreign exchange student from Greece. Geek chic.

Diana appeared to be wearing a red sweater, a long blue skirt, long white socks, red slipper shoes, and a golden headband.

Diana: And these garments give me the apperance of a typical mortal female abolescent?

Jessica: Oh, yeah.

Zee: Oh, yes.

Ben: Aboslutly.

Kara: I guess.

Diana: Good. Then it is my turn.

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