Chapter 8: meet the Cheetah.

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Here we have our heroes in their base, with the dragon riders with them, their new guest were looking around with surprise looks in there faces.

Tom: So, this is your base, where you protect the city?

Ben: Yup, we are the city's protector and will protect it to the end.

Tom: Just like us, we swore to protect the fisher from ICARUS.

Jun: [looking at Diana base] [amazed] Wow, your an Amazon!

Diana: Yes, and I'm Daughter of Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, Princess of Themyscira.

Jun: [amazed] Wow! [bowing to Diana] All hail Diana, Princess of Themyscira.

Ben: [to Tom] Is she always like this?

Tom: Pretty much, she's into the mystic arts.

Diana: [blushing] Oh my.

Cheetor [ball mode: Yeah, bow to my master!

Diana: Cheetor!

Cheetor [ball mode: What?

Ben: [sees Rook on Plumber computer] Whatcha doing, Rook?

Rook: Talking to Blukic and Driba about the creature that we saw in the ocean. But neither of them can't cooperate with each other.

Drida: Well we wouldn't be arguring if someone didn't take my .

Blukic: I didn't take it, it was someone else.

As the two were arguring, they see Kara comes to the screen.

Blukic and Driba: [gasp] A Kryptonian!

Ben: Yeah, this is Kara, my friend that came to put chicken little in prison.

Driba: Why didn't you say that from the beginning that your friends with a Krytonian?

Blukic: Wait, he said her name was Kara right?

Blukic and Driba: As in Kara Zor-el?

Kara: Yeah.

Driba: How did a member of the royal family come to Earth?

Kara: Wait, you know my family?

Blukic: Yeah, all Galvan knows about the Krytonian royal family.

Kara: Do you think that you tell me where my home planet is?

Driba: Sorry, but Galvan's are forbiddan to go to Kryton because of their superior knowledge over us.

Blukic: Yeah, they say that their technology is better than ours.

Kara: [sadly] Well, that's good to know. [walks away]

Blukic: What's wrong with her?

Ben: Long story short, her version of Kryton was destroyed when she was a kid.

Blukic and Drida: Her version?

Ben: Oh yeah, almost forgot, we're in another universe but is connected by a portal that the Plumbers create.

Driba: Well, that explains alot.

Rook: So, what about the creature we saw in the ocean, what is it?

Driba: Right. Well, it took a while, but we figure out what it is.

Ben: What is it then?

Driba: It's a species that is call Titanus Gojira, but ancient times called it Godzilla.

Ben and Rook: Godzilla?

Blukic: Yeah, it says that this race of titans are the alpha to its kind. It only appears when a threat is taking place.

Ben 10 meet the DC Superhero girls  Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora