Chapter 24: Soul sisters part 2

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Katanna: Villains! Your souls are tainted. And now... [swings sword] they will be mine.

Ben 10: Not likely.

Supergirl: Sorry, sis. I like my soul right where it is. [attack yell] [charges]

However, when she slashed a strange blue energy, it stole Supergirl's soul, as her soul was absorbed into the sword!

[all gasp]

Wonder Woman: Supergirl!

Ben 10: No!

That's when she fell, without a soul.

Ben 10: NOO!

Katanna: Make this easy and surrender your souls to me!

Ben 10: Not gonna happen!

He then transforms into Ghostfreak.

Katanna: Your creatures aren't going to do anything to stop me! [slashes magic at him]

All: Ben!

However, his soul wasn't aborbed!

Katanna: What?! Impossible!

Ghostfreak: Aw, looks like your sword takes souls away from bodies! [tentacles come out from his chest] But Ghostfreak doesn't have a body!

Katanna: [getting wrap by his tentacles] [cuts them with sword] [grunts]

Zatanna: Let's show this one-trick pony what real magic looks like!

Zatanna casted a spell and Green Lantern created a net, trapping Katanna.

Batgirl: [cheering] Yeah!

However, she broke free and took Green Lantern and Zatanna's souls!

Ghostfreak: Green Lantern! Zatanna! [angry] Alright, time to take charge!

He then went and posses Katanna!

Ghostfreak: [inside Katanna] Ha, gotcha!

Suddenly, Katanna manage to get him out of her body.

Ghostfreak: Her will is too powerful to control.

Batgirl: [screams] Run!

Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Bumblebee tried to run, but Bumblebee and Batgirl's souls were taken as well!

Ghostfreak: [grabs Wonder Woman] All right, time to dissapear!

Soon, the two of them dissapeared and hide.

Katanna: You'll never escape my blade. Soultaker will find you!

After she left, Ghostfreak turns visable from hiding.

Wonder Woman: [sadly] My friends... I... I lead you to this. What have I done?

Ben 10: [transforms back] [worried] What's our plan now, D?

She then ties her lasso around her soulless friends, as she struggles to drag them all back to Babs's house.

Gwendolyn: [sees soulless heroes] [cover mouths] [gasp]

Caladrin: Oh no. My poor friends. Who is responsable for this?

Ben: Don't know, but we'll find out!

The next day, Diana, Ben, Gwendolyn, and Rook were at the library, trying to find a way to free their friends.

Diana: I have to save my friends. To have any chance of doing that... I must know what I am facing. [notice book] [gasp] "The Soultaker."

[fire roaring]

Ben 10 meet the DC Superhero girls  Part 1Where stories live. Discover now