Chapter 26: The Good, The Bad and the bizarro

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It was another morning in Metropolis, and as Kara was about to smash her alarm...

Reporter: ...and in this morning's headline, our beloved hero is at it again... That's right, Supergirl saved Metropolis yesturday, trouncing a squadron of deep space invaders as they attempted to enslave us all...

Kara: [happy] [sighs]

As she was on her way to school...

British reporter: ...after such a trying ordeal, it was all thanks to Supergirl that the orphans were saved. In other news, Supergirl...

Overlapping reporter: ...Metropolis Ballisitc Miss, Supergirl.

Crowd: [chanting] Supergirl! Supergirl! Supergirl! Supergirl! Supergirl! Supergirl! Supergirl! Supergirl!

Everywhere she looked, everyone was respecting Supergirl at last!

At school...

Kara: Supergirl. Supergirl.

Babs: Um, Kara?

Kara: I tell ya, Babsie, everything's coming up Danvers. After months of, "Superman, Superman, you're so cool," people are finally giving Supergirl the respect she deserves.

Ben: Nice work, dude!

Rock Storm (ball mode): Totally dude!

Kara: Thanks, you two!

Boy: Yo, Kara. [high-fives her] Way to kill it in Chemistry.

Kara: Ha. See? Everyone's finally seeing the real-

: [on the intercom] Kara Danvers! To the principal's office, now!

Ben: Oh boy!

Soon, Kara was in the principal's office.

: This is it, Danvers. This time you've gone too far! [shows her picture of graffiti] And I don't mean your spelling.

Kara: Okay, first of all, I didn't do this. And second of all, I know Chapin has two "P's," right?

: It does not have two "P's"! [shows her more picture] You stole the roof of my convertible. You threw the bell from the tower in the pool. You TP'd my house. And you even flipped our beloved Lady Justice statue upside-down!

Kara: [laughs] That last one's super funny and totally something I'd do, but I didn't. And I didn't do any of that stuff.

: Oh, I don't know! Maybe the fact you're usually a troublemaker!

Kara: Seriously, , I'm one of the good guys!

That's when he smirked and took out a personal of Kara, giving her a worried look, as he started reading it.

: "Ever since arriving at Smallville High...

Kara: Hey, hey, wait!

: ...Kara Danvers has displayed antisocial tendencies.

Kara: Wait a second.

: This weekend's incident leaves us no choice but to... expel her."

Rock Storm (ball mode): [in her jacket] [heard everything] No way!

: Somehow, you destroyed the entire gym at your old school, Danvers.

Kara: That wasn't me! I was framed!

: [sighs] I'm suspending you for a week. [place suspension slip near her] Get it together or you'll find yourself expelled from your second school.

Rock Storm (ball mode): [whisper] That's terrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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