Chapter 14: Crushing it

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It was Monday at Metropolis High, as the girls' volley game was happening.

Diana: [serves ball] [grunts]

Kara: Calling it now... Lady Hamsters ain't losing a game this season...

Babs: Whoo-hoo!

Kara: ...with Diana on the team! Boom!

Diana: [grunts]

Jessica: She's going to crush it tomorrow on debate team. The other day, the topic was "paper or plastic."Diana shut everyone down with reusable canvas bags! Yeah! Pow!

Karen: Dudes! She's my science fair partner on Wednesday! We're gonna kill it with some crazy ancient Greek alchemy! Bam!

Babs: Ooh! Ooh! And on Thursday, she's gonna lead the marching band into leading the football team to world domination! Kapowee!

Zee: Oh, yeah? Well, she's gonna bring down the house as Juliet in the spring play on Friday. My directing debut will be an absolute triumph! Ba-ba-ba-boom!

Diana: [grunts]

[buzzer sounds]

Soon, the score was 15 to 0, with Diana's team in the lead.

[everyone cheering]

Girls: Go, Diana!

As Diana was about to hit the next serve, a blonde hair boy entered the gym, and then she went all love struck. Then, the ball hit her in the face, causing the crowd to wince.

Jessica: What?

Ben: [cringing] Ooh!

Kara: Way to go to jinx it Karen.

Karen: Me?

Ben: [annoyed] Kara!

Kara: What?

Ben: Don't blame Karen for this! Besides, it's only one miss!

Soon, Diana either kept missing or getting hit in the face by the ball, over and over again.

[crowd gasping]

Babs & Jessica: Ooh!

All: Aww!

Diana: [thuds]

Kara: Ow!

Zee: [covers (Y/n)'s eyes] Avert your eyes, (N/n) dear!

Y/n: Huh?


[crowd gasping]

[Diana thudding]

[crowd gasping]

[buzzer sounds]

Soon, the game ended and the opposing team won with 25 points.

Kara: So, that happened.

Ben: Man...

Jessica: Diana? [pokes her] Diana?

Diana: [goofy smile] [swirls in eyes] [blushing] [groaning]

Babs: Incoming! [dumps water on her, but doesn't work] What?!

Ben: Y/n, you know what to do!

Y/n nods she uses a special Omnitrix of her own as she transformed into Echo Echo.

Y/n nods she uses a special Omnitrix of her own as she transformed into Echo Echo

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