Chapter 23: Soul sisters part 1

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It was the day after the beach party, and Ben and Rook were watching Diana fence with an opponent.

Diana: En garde! [dueling] Ha ha! Excellent work, Nathaniel!

Nathaniel: Are you kidding? I lasted two seconds.

Diana: Yes! And that is twice as long as last time! Does anyone desire a rematch?

Boy: [gulps] [zooms off]

Nathaniel: Sorry, Diana, I think we're all done losing for the day. I assume you're staying to train, even though you just beat the entire Metropolis Fencing Club?

Diana: You assume correctly.

Nathaniel: [chuckles] Turn off the lights when you're done. [walks away]

Ben: [whooping] Way to go, D.

Rook: Indeed.

Diana: Thank you friends. I really like the way that you think of my fencing.

That's when they noticed another fencer across the room.

Ben: who's that?

Diana: Ah, greetings! Are you new to the club? I joined recently. I find the simulated combat most invigorating.

The fencer swing it rapier, challenging Diana.

Rook: I guess he wants to challenge you, Diana.

Diana: [determined] Very well then. We shall let these do the talking.

That's when they started clashing.

Diana: Your footwork is impeccable. You are using the Danpei technique, yes?

Fencer: I thought it was appropriate, since I don't know your weaknesses. Now I do.

However, Diana seemed to be smiling while dueling with her opponent.

Fencer: Why are you smiling? I am clearly better than you.

Diana: To give the fencing club a chance, I fight left-handed. And I... [swap hands] am not left-handed!

Soon, the dueling started to get fierce!

Fencer: Well then. There is something I must tell you.

Diana: You are not left-handed either?

Fencer: No, I am. But there is something else that I am.

That's when the fencer knocked Diana's rapier out of her hand, then striking her chest, indicated she lost.

Fencer: Distracted.

Diana was shocked that she lost, however...

Diana: [eyes sparkle] Touche! Oh, it is so thrilling to finally experience a loss!

Ben: Really?

Diana: Yes! [to the fencer] You are incredible. [holds out hand] Diana Prince.

That's when the fencer took off the helmet, revealing to be a girl.

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