Chapter 33: Beeline

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It was another normal day in Metropolis, as Ben, Rook, Sun Wukong, the Dragon Riders, and the girls seemed to be running to catch a ferry.

Diana: [panting] Come, sisters and brothers. The twlight of our struggles is not yet upon us.

Kara: Hurry! Before it's too late.

Ben: Lets move it guys!

Rook: Indeed!

Karen: [breathing heavily] Right... behind you.

Babs: It's getting away!

[ferry horn blaring]

Babs: Aw! We missed it.

Rook: Oh dear!

Kara: Nuts to that. We've got places to be.

Karen: [panting] [groans tiredly]

Babs: I'm gonna be late for work.

Kara: Work? I'm gonna be late for the concert!

Karen: Come on, Karen. You can do it. [grunting]

Diana: Ready? Jump!

[all grunting]

Sun Wukong: [sees Alex trying to get on] I got ya, techie! [pushes her up]

Alex: [lands on her face] [grunts] Thanks.

Karen: Almost there!

Jessica: Come on, Karen. Hurry!

Zee: You can still make it!

Karen: [gasp]

Zee: You've just got to try!

Karen: [stammering] I... [exclaims] I can't.

[ferry horn blaring]

Babs: Use you sup-

Zee: [covers Babs' mouth] There are far too many people around for that.

Rook: Indeed.

Babs: [sad eyes] Oh...

Jessica: I hope she'll be all right.

Jun: Yeah.

Diana: Fear not, kind Jessica and Jun. Karen has great strength, yet undiscovered.

Ben: Totally!

Kara: Yeah, she'll be fine.

Karen: I'll be fine.

Kara: She'll catch the next one.

Karen: I'll catch the next one.

[shutter clanks]

Turns out, tickets were sold out.

Karen: Or not. [sighs] Guess I have to take the long way home.

Sun Wukong: [thinks for a second] [looks at Karen] [to the others] You guys go on without me, [gets ready to jump] I'll go with Karen.

That's when he jumps in the air and lands beside Karen.

Karen: [see him] Wukong?

Sun Wukong: Though you could use some company.

Karen: R-Really?

Sun Wukong: Yeah, I got nothing else going on.

Karen: [smiles] [hugs him] Thanks!

Soon, the two were on route to Karen's house, as they were approaching the bridge.

Karen: Why couldn't you just jump, Karen? Superheroes supposed to take risk. You can't even jump to a ferry? Face it. You don't have what it takes to be a hero. You should just turn in your wings.

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