Chapter 19: DC superheroes boys part 1

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Our heroes are currently out on patrol, and they seemedto be observing strange vandalism.

Green Lantern (Jessica): [creates binoculars] Just like the others. We've got a tagging crew on our hands.

Ben 10: These symbols don't match anything from our world.

Rook: Indeed.

Bumblebee: [groans] That's six so far. They're spread all across the whole city!

Ben 10: Not cool, dude!

Zatanna: And now they've defaced Metropolis' most iconic landmark.

Wonder Woman: Vile fiends. We Amazons recognize when a rival clan intends to invade.

Supergirl: Yeah! Creeping in on our turf?

Batgirl: Not on our watch. [takes out computer] Unless my bat-sleuthing skills deceive me, these tags seem to be appearing at specific places. If I can just triangluate these coordinates, we'd be able to predict where the crew is gonna strike.

Bumblebee: [shows her phone] Metropolis Shipyards.

Batgirl: Touche, Bumblebee. Touche.

Ben 10: Yeah, nice one dude.

Bumblebee: Thanks! Which is in... [screams, gulps]

Turns out, they were in some creey and filthy alleyway.

Supergirl: Sinister Slum.

Ben 10: Gross!

Green Lantern (Jessica): It's seedy.

Zatanna: It's filthy.

Bumblebee: It's scary. [screams]

Batgirl: [wistfully] It's just like home... [grunts]

Ben 10: [sense something] You guys got the feeling that we're being followed?

Zatanna: You're worrying too much Ben, we're fine.

Rook: No, Ben's right, we are being followed.

Supergirl: By who?

Rook: [pulls out Prototool] Coming from... [fire wire] There!

As the wire got hold of the stocker, Rook pulled it back to reveal that it was Argit.

As the wire got hold of the stocker, Rook pulled it back to reveal that it was Argit

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Argit: [gets pulled] Woah! [hits ground] [grunts]

Zatanna: Ew, giant rat! [hits him with magical purse]

Argit: [getting hit] Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ben 10 Whoa, whoa. Easy, Zatanna, that's just Argit!

Argit: Shesh, lady, is that the best way to treat a mayor of Bellwood?

Supergirl: Wait, the mayor on an entire town is a porcupine rat?

Argit: Undertown, Krytonian, and the top loves me as well.

Ben 10 meet the DC Superhero girls  Part 1Where stories live. Discover now