Chapter 31: Ally cat part 1

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A helicopter was currently flying over the field of Great Britian, as it was landing, and out stepped the head of Lexcorp, Lex Luthor.

Woman: . Welcome. It's an honor.

Lex Luthor: Are we ready?

Woman: Whenever you are, sir.

Lex Luthor: Activate the Lexcavator!

Soon, the strange device was drilling around the Stonehenge!

Lex Luthor: Uh, you know, if it were up to me, I'd just blow the whole thing to bits. [laughs] But I guess this works.

He then stepped into the pit, where there were a bunch of treasure and valuables, but his eyes were set on the stone coffin that was being opened, containing a strange book, as he pried it from an unknown corpse. Ben and his friends were currently at Sweet Justice watching the news.

Lex Luthor: I told the British government that if I was going to dig under Stonehenge, I insisted we do it without damaging the monument.

Karen: Ah, man, Lex Luthor. What a guy.

Sun Wukong: I don't know, the baldness really doesn't look friendly too me.

Lex Luthor: You know, I've been searching for this particular text for years. I hope the knowledge it contains will help me make the world a better place.

When Zee saw the strange book, she spat out her ice cream in shock!

Zee: [spits]

Sun Wukong: Whoa! What's up with you, Zee?

Zee: Lex Luthor has found the Book of Eternity!

Kara: The what of what now?

Sun Wukong: I've heard of that book, but I never thought I see it.

Zee: Indeed! The great wizard Merlin wrote it over 1,500 years ago. It give whoever holds it the power to know, and therby control, the future. The Ancients buried it under Stonehenge to keep it out the hands of mortals.

Sun Wukong: Yeah, It is really dangerous to mortals.

Zee: Right! Nobody should have that book!

Karen: Not even a kind-hearted philanthropist like Lex Luthor?

Zee: No. Not even Lex Luthor.

Ben: I would imagin it would be even worst with Eon.

Zee: Oh yes!

Kara: So what are we gonna do, ask for it nicely? He just spent a fortune to get that thing.

Zee: Well, he can't keep it, it's too dangerous.

Ben: But how are gonna get it?

Babs: Guess we'll just have to sneak into Lexcorp Tower and take it.

Jessica: You want us to commit a crime.

Babs: No. Stealing a car is a crime. This is friends coming together to pull off a complicated plan that's legally dubious but morally correct while trading banter and wearing cool outfits, all to awesome music! This... is a heist. Heist! Heist! Heist! Heist! No?

Sun Wukong: Oh, I've been doing that before.

Karen: Really?

Sun Wukong: Yeah. I've done it to save my universe.

Diana: Assuming this is the course of action we choose, where would we even begin?

Babs: I was born for this, you guys! I have plans, gadgets, disguises.

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