Chapter 29: New members

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It was another day at Metropolis High, after the assemble that wanted everyone to go to, our heroes were on their to Sweet Justice to get ice cream.

Babs: [blushing] Well, that went well.

Alex: Yeah, if you counted farting as a good thing.

Babs: [blushing] Oh, come on, it was the burrito!

Rook: Don't worry about it, Babs, we all have those embarrasing moments.

Trickula (ball mode): Yeah, we all do, batty.

Angelous (ball mode): Indeed. [to Zee] But my goddess doesn't have embarrsing moments.

Diana: Yes, Barbara. At least things can't get an worst.

Meanwhile, with Eon's team, Jinx was finishing up rebuilding Starscream with all the metal that the Flame Throwers and Sky Torcher brought to her.

Jinx: Nice work, flamers and torcher!

Professor Pester: [looks at Starscream] [to Eon] Wow, she manage to rebuild him well.

Eon: Indeed. How much longer, Jinx?

Jinx: Not much longer. We just need...

Eon: A power source? No need, I can do that. Now back away, Jinx.

As she did that, Eon went closer to Starscream and starts to generate a power soruce for him.

Eon: Starscream, outcast of all Decepticons, you have been in stacis for far too long. And now it's time for you to rise!

After he said, Starscream's spark chamer opens, and Eon put the energy into his spark chamer. And so...

Starscream: [breaks free] [pulls out his guns] [yells] Prepare to face to your destruction, Megatron! [looks around] [confused] What... What happened? Where am I? [sees Eon and his team] Who are you?

Eon: I am Eon, and these are you friends.

Starscream: These are my friends? [chuckles]

Eon: Did I say something funny?

Starscream: No, it's just... I don't do humen and monsters friends.

Professor Pester and the Ruffians: [growls]

Eon: Is that anyway to thank your savors?

Starscream: What?

Eon: Without my team, you would have been rusted out to nothing.

Starscream: Rusted out to nothing? What are you... [realises] Wait, it's all coming back to me. I was controling the Omega Supreme clones, I went to see them destroy Megatron and the Autobots, and... [gasp] [touches his forehead] The Allspark Fragment? Where's the Allspark Fragment?!

Eon: It was taken away from the Autobots and restored into the Allspark.

Starscream: What do you want from me?

Eon: From you, nothing.

Starscream: Really?

Eon: For you, a new universe with you as supreme ruler of all Decepticons.

Starscream: I'm listening.

Meanwhile, our heroes were at the Plumber base, where Karen and Jessica was having a Bakugan battle. It was Karen one and Jessica two, where it shows that Jessica has two left and Karen has one.

Jessica: Are you sure you don't want to stop, Karen?

Karen: No, I want to win!

Titano (ball mode): That's the spirit, little one.

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