Chapter 22: Frenemies part 2

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And so, the baddies were on the run. At the jewelry store, they broke into it, cut the security cameras and tied up the guard and then they started taking all of the jewelry there. Then, they stole a car from a car dealership and driving through the city smashing into things. Then, they were in a museum and started wrecking the place and Star Sapphire wrote "Mrs. Star Sapphire Jordan" on the wall and Harley Quinn sat off a giant bomb. Next, they were at the zoo, where they released the animals into the city. Then, they were at a resturant.

Giganta: What do you guys call a carbonated beverage?

Harley Quinn: Soda.

Giganta: [chuckles] We say pop.

Poison Ivy: What do you call drinking beverage?

Harley Quinn: Bubbler.

Star Sapphire: We say water fountain.

Livewire: What do you call bugs that light up?

Harley Quinn: Uh, fireflies?

Poison Ivy: Yeah, see, we say fireflies in Metropolis, too.

Catwoman: Everyone finished?

When they finished their food, they started causing havoc in the restaurant, then drove away in their car with stolen jewels. As they were laughing with their jewels in their car, Livewire was getting a call on her phone.

Livewire: Huh, who can that be? [answers her phone] Hello?

?: Are you going to bring me the Omnitrix?!

Livewire: Wait, Vilgax? How did you get my number?

Vilgax: I manage to locate your phone through my computer on my ship. So, are you going to get the Omnitrix or not?

Livewire: Chill, this is part of our plan. All we got to do is cause distruction and Tennyson and the Superhero Girl will...

Vilgax: [stops her] Wait, you didn't say anything about Tennyson teaming with other people. I thought that he was teamed up with that Revonnahgander.

Livewire: Yeah, you're wrong. There's Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Bumblebee, Zatanna, Batgirl, and Supergirl. Who, by the way, is a Krytonian.

Vilgax: That's impossible. They're forbidden to leave their planet.

Livewire: Well, I guess she shuck out or something. Don't worry, we got this no problem. [hangs up]

Vilgax: [to Sixsix] Lock on to their location, and I'll defeat the Krytonian like I tired before. But this time...

He pushed a button on his chair, and then rised a weapon holder with Krytonite made weapons on it.

Vilgax: I'll be ready!

Meanwhile, Ben, Rook, and the girls were eathing their desserts at Sweet Justice. Then the Supervillain Girls drove by.

Supervillain Girls: Nerds! [drives off] [laughing manically]

Zee: Check please!

Diana: [she and the other get out of the store] Come sisters and brothers, to battle!

Jessica: Shouldn't we call Babs?

Ben: She'll join us later!

Diana: Indeed! Batgirl will join us when she ready.

Soon, Diana transformed into Wonder Woman, Zee into Zatanna, Karen into Bumblebee, Kara into Supergirl, Jessica into Green Lantern, and Ben into Four Arms. While the Supervillain Girls were having a nice joyride, they were stop by the heroes. Soon, the villains got out of the car to face the heroes.

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