5// On The Look

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It was a long day and everyone aware of the issue, especially those that were connected in one way or another had a difficult time relaxing. The Jacksons, especially Veronica were restless while Henry was worried about his ill father, Maureen, Claudia and the employees in WL were all restless.

Veronica sat thinking deeply while drinking alcohol while Henry sat by his father looking at him with worry on his face. Also, Maureen couldn't rest as her worries about Charles were endless. She was scared of the condition he would be in and how devastated he would be about everything.

She understood his feelings and emotions and could tell when he was unhappy. She alone understood him and it would have been great if Charles was aware of how important he was to her.

No one would stay up all night over the news of a plane crash except their loved ones were engulfed in the crash, not to talk of a lover being worried about a man who showed her no face.

She should be praised because no lady would sit crying over an incident like this just because she fears that her love is distressed and that he will be insulted. It appears that it's going to be a long night for all and a sad one.

They all couldn't fall asleep as they anticipated what would happen the next day. Charles had the least opportunity of sleeping since he was still at work and since he would take responsibility for whatever happened.

Those who were part of the search team were still on the lookout for the aircraft. International search protocols have been invoked to fasten the process since all hands need to be on deck.

The military forces have decided to get involved in the matter and military aircraft, naval vessels, passenger planes and civilian boats are being used to track the plane. Due to the efficiency of the search team, the area where the plane crashed was found and more effort was made to scout the area where it is believed to have disappeared.

With this development, the plane was just not searched for on radar but also with the naked eye as pilots of passenger planes flying over the area looked out the window in search of the plane. The search team was bent on finding the plane as soon as possible to check for any survivors and calculate the casualties.

In the incidence of a plane crash or its disappearance, the death rate is usually high and they could only hope that some passengers used their parachutes to escape. Well, the possibility of that happening is relatively thin.

Since it's been revealed that the plane disappeared from radar around the North Pacific Ocean, naval vessels sent people to search for debris in the water.
Also with this info, the search team feared that the casualties would be massive.

After the news of the disappearance of Flight A245 was announced, Narita International Airport where the plane was heading became the focal point.
Some of the passenger's families went to the airport to wait for their loved ones hoping that they could get info.

The airport in Tokyo wasn't the only focus because families of victims who lived in the US needed to express their dissatisfaction and (LAX) provided a means so they crowded the place. Amidst all this, chaos erupted in Los Angeles International Airport(LAX) where the plane departed as families and friends vented their anger through their tears.

All night long the search was conducted. It lasted till dawn. This is going to be the longest night in Charles' life after he became an adolescent.


The beep of the landline in his office woke Charles who slept off while working. He looked terrible and his hair was scattered.

His face told a lot. Sleeping in his office means that he didn't take his bath, something that Charles doesn't joke with. He picked up the phone and placed the receiver on his ear and the news was welcomed.

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