9// Good-natured Maureen

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I had supper sadly as I worried about Sir Charles. I couldn't bear the thought of him spending another night outside the mansion and especially in his current condition.

I was more worried because, since the news of West Land aircraft, he hasn't been home. I don't know how he's feeling and if he's lonely.

I'm aware that I might not be able to console and take his burdens away but it will feel nice to have him within my reach and I would be assured of his safety.

What am I thinking? How can he be lonely? He must have loyal employees who will share in his troubles but he's still the leader of the cooperation so, he will be more affected.

His family will also be by his side even when others give up on him so, I shouldn't think that he's alone in this. But come to think of it, I haven't seen his family and I've been working for a whole year.

Why didn't I think of this? The only person I'm familiar with is Robert, Sir Charles's friend and that bitch, Hailey. Does this mean that he's an orphan or was he abandoned?

C'mon, what am I saying? You're so foolish, Maureen! He couldn't have been abandoned. Claudia clearly stated that the airline is a family business.

I couldn't get him out of my mind and as I sat outside the mansion waiting for him, I thought more of him. I could only hope that he comes home. Yes! The mansion has become my second home since I left Louisiana.

Staying by his side doesn't just feel right, it also makes me happy. Working here, although I'm a maid, is a blessing to me because I'm not just comfortable and happy, I also get paid and the cash will help me prepare for college.


Charles' car halted to a screech outside the mansion. In his car, he saw that Maureen was dozing off while sitting outside the house.

After Matthew opened the door and he descended, he walked straight to her as he wondered what she was doing outdoors. Originally he would have walked past if it was not for Maureen whom he regarded as a sweet girl.

He would have asked Matthew to wake her while he left but since she's his cook and favorite female worker, he couldn't leave her in the cold. He tapped her arm and immediately she woke as though she was drifting from a different world. She looked up at who touched her and smiled thinking she was dreaming.

"You're here!" she said and Charles who stood next to her frowned.

His brows became thicker and he assumed she must have been drunk.

His frown deepened because he didn't expect Maureen to be that kind of girl, she didn't seem like one to him. And worse, he wondered where she must have gotten alcohol from since he purchases only wine.

"Maureen!" he called out in anger.

"Sir," she said as she realized she wasn't dreaming.

"Why are you sleeping outdoors?" he asked.

"I was waiting for you, sir."

"What did you say?" he was shocked.

She realized that she slipped her true intentions and bit her lips before she spoke.

"I'm sorry sir, I just wanted to feel nature, the weather seems nice."

"The weather is cold and you should be in and not out doing nothing. Go in immediately. " He said and without wasting time, Maureen walked forward.

Charles looked her way when she made way for the back door and his look told her to walk through the front door. These are the things Charles does that give her hope and make her feelings grow.

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