22// Beauty Brings Attraction

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An abrupt knock on the door broke out in the room. Charles glared at the door with wide eyes and immediately, he drew his hands across the bulge.

Gosh! He was nervous. He felt embarrassed about it and he knew that it would be more embarrassing if someone saw it. It would be shameful as the boss if he was caught staring lustfully at Maureen with that bulge.

He would appear like a pervert but thankfully, he wore fitted trousers and his sex swayed to the side. He was lucky that it wasn't standing forward if not, he would have been discovered as the erection was one of a kind.

Another knock rang out and Maureen looked and saw a sleeping Charles. Hmm... He feigned to be asleep. Who knows, his weird feeling might go away. Since she thought that he was asleep, she couldn't wake him to ask for his permission so, she walked softly to the door not wanting to disturb him.

She opened it and went out to meet Antonia. Antonia complied when she saw Charlesʼs sleeping figure. Before Maureen stepped out, she looked back and ensured that Charles wasn't awoken.

"Why are you cleaning now? Have you forgotten the rules? How can you make such a mistake?" Antonia asked Maureen. She didn't give her a chance to speak.

"Do you want to be sanctioned? You know what I'm..." Antonia said and Maureen cut her through. "Sir Charles permitted it," she said aloud.

"What did you just say?" Antonia asked.

"Sir Charles allowed it. The room was dirty and needed to be cleaned so, I had no other option than to clean it. But id soon is done and it leaves him to rest." Maureen said and Antonia was surprised.

"Okay... But how's Mr Charles doing?" Antonia inquired.

"He's fine. At least his body temperature has reduced."

When Maureen said this, Antonia smiled. "I'm glad that you acted quickly. You're the only one I trust blindly."

"No, no. I wasn't the one who acted rationally, it was Matthew and Clarisse. I panicked you see." Maureen told Antonia.

"Really... Anyways when you're done here, I want to know the details of what happened and I mean all of it."

"Sure mommy," Maureen answered and both ladies giggled.

"Before I forget, Dr Gabriel prescribed the drugs and food that sir Charles should consume," Maureen said to Antonia.

"That's fine. Go get it and don't bother if there's anything you can't cook, I'd be more than willing to help out, okay." Antonia said and Maureen nodded with a smile.

She went into the room and came out with an enormous list. She gave it to Antonia and the latter left.  Antonia went to purchase the drugs. The funny thing is that Maureen only gave it to her to check as she didn't expect Antonia, the head of the workers to get things herself when she could send some of the maids.

Maureen left Charles' room and later she came back to serve him lunch. She walked in and saw him standing by the window.

Charles was thinking about what happened in his room. He couldn't understand why he was erected since he had self-control. He wasn't a sex addict and had never been erected without being touched on his dick.

He needed to be touched to get a bulge or sexually hungry and he had sex with Hailey when she followed him to his hotel room days ago. He wasn't starving so, it was weird. What confused him the most was that he was attracted to his employee. He didn't understand since he had never felt lust or whatever he was feeling toward his worker, not just his worker, his maid and a young one at that.

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