25// The Storm

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“Sir, you need to eat more,” Maureen told Charles.

“I'm giving you a hard time and yet you want to keep attending to me?” Charles said. And he was saying the truth as Maureen is only obligated to perform her domestic duties. She wasn't just acting like a nurse, she was working like one. It wasn't in her place to do these things.

“Sir,  you're not. I'm performing my duties as a worker.” she pointed out and placed a spoonful of the chicken in his mouth.

“I'm glad that you're passionate about your job.” he was amused at her sweetness. She fed him some more before she put the tray aside.

As Maureen went to drop the tray, Charles was reminded of the sensation he felt when he had a bulge. He couldn't help so, he stared at her backside.

Since he was still confused about what happened earlier in the day and the surprise he felt when he became attracted to Maureen, he wanted to confirm if he possibly wanted her. Even though he was likely going to stick to abstinence.

Glaring at her, the sensation decreased and it was not comparable to what he felt before. Charles was relieved that he wasn't aroused like before.

With a sigh, he peeled his eyes off her. Maureen faced Charles and fed him his drugs.

“Why are you still here?” Charles asked as it had been a while since he took his drugs.

“Sir, I've decided to wait till you fall asleep.”

“Why?” he asked her.

“It's mandatory for someone to care for an ill person. And since I can't stay here while you sleep, I might as well wait till you fall asleep,” she explained.

Once more, Charles was stunned by her behaviour. He was wrong to still picture her to be the young teenager she was when she started working for him.

“Well,  that's very thoughtful of you.” he commended. He said and she smiled.

“Thank you, sir.”

“But, you aren't my doctor and you need some rest,” he said disguising his pleased expression.

Maureen was taken aback by his statement and she wasn't pleased. Charles was right but Maureen was prepared to care for him. She was glad that he was considerate towards her but she wasn't bothered about not getting to rest.

“Sir, I'm happy with what I'm doing. I'm not stressed in any way.”

“Since you're convinced, then sit over there,” he said and she responded respectfully. “Thank you sir.” she smiled and sat on the sofa.

She relished the feeling of sitting on Charles' couch as it scented like him, everything in his room smelt like him.

Maureen's phone beep broke the silence in the room. She checked her phone and when she saw that Irene texted, she smiled. It read:

“Hey, girl! Send me some pics you took in the mansion. Wanna know what it looks like.”

Maureen smiled again before she replied.

“Okay... Silly! I'd do just that. But, but... You gotta get me something okay... You haven't sent my Christmas gift over and mind you,  I don't want the gift🤧. Send me cash. Love you.”

She wrote and added a love emoji.

During the texting, Charles had been glaring at her legs. The erection made him notice some of Maureen's amazing features.

Her legs were pretty and since her skirt was above her knee, he could see a little of her thigh as she sat. He switched his gaze to her face as she smiled broadly and he was convinced that it was a guy that made her react in that manner.

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