29// Drunk, Hot and Sexy

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After Charles told Maureen to bring his breakfast to West Land airlines, she was worried about going to the company so, she begged Antonia to go on her behalf.

Antonia accepted her request and delivered the food to Charles but he had left for a meeting so, she dropped it in his office and Ethan watched her do it till she left his office.

"How was it?" Maureen asked when Antonia returned.

"Good but I didn't give it to Mr Charles. I dropped it in his office as he was in a meeting." Antonia answered Maureen.

"Okay, but I hope he won't be annoyed that I made you go instead," Maureen asked Antonia.

"Relax, I agreed to help okay and besides, I explained to his secretary so, he'd tell Mr Charles when he sees him," Antonia told Maureen and the two ladies went to the kitchen.


After Charles left the press conference, Helena was worried and she called the bodyguards she sent to follow Charles severally. After she hung up, she looked and saw Matthew, Charles' chauffeur whom Charles came with so, she approached him.

"Matthew, I need you to be back," Helena said. She said so as she couldn't let him wait when she wasn't sure how long Charles was going to be away.

"Ma'am, Mr Charles..." Matthew couldn't conclude his statement as Helena spoke.

"Mr Charles is busy and men would take care of him. Go home, he'd be fine." She said.

"Okay, ma'am," he responded.

"My men would drop you home."

"Thanks, ma'am but that's not necessary," he said.

"Take this," she said and stretched out $100 which he took with a smile.

Matthew arrived at the Jackson Mansion and his colleagues including Maureen were surprised to see him. They were surprised since he always came back with Charles at night.

"Where Mr Charles?" Clarrise asked in confusion.

"Where is he?" Maureen asked as well when he remained silent.

"I don't know," he replied.

"What do you mean by that? You went together and why are you back now? It's just 3:00 p.m." Antonia asked.

"Look, I don't know where Mr Charles went. He left for some place after the big event the company organised and Miss Helena told me to leave since Mr Charles would be busy. I don't think he would come back today." Matthew answered and walked past them.

"Oh goodness, he just recovered," Maureen said and Clarisse walked out as she didn't like Charles.

Clarisse was only bothered if something grievous happened like death or an accident since she was a human and has a heart. When she walked away, Antonia looked but Maureen who was surprised didn't notice her reaction.

"Maureen, this is how he works and when you've worked here as long as I have, you'd get used to his habits," Antonia said and Maureen knew that her words held some truth.

No one could stop Charles from stressing himself and even if he wanted more rest, he just couldn't have it.

The workers in the mansion all went to sleep as they were convinced that Charles wasn't coming home. Even Antonia believed as well since instructions came from Helena who worked with Charles. They also believed Matthew since Charles had been sleeping out recently and also since he was longing for work even while he was ill.

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