16// The Sheep is Ambushed by The Hyena

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I hate that I have to cry. I just hate that I can't control my emotions. I'm sad mainly because my parents had never yelled at me.

Also, I worked per-time in Louisiana before I came to Texas and in my years of service, I had never been tortured by my boss not to speak of his friends or girlfriends. Antonia rushed toward me and I was sure that she had been watching everything.

"Maureen, it's okay. Don't be like this. You don't deserve to be treated badly. Come on." she said lifting me as I cried.

She held my hand in one of her hands and the mop in the other. She dropped the mop and took me to my room.

"Sit," she said and placed me warily on the bed.

"I don't know what she must have said to you but I don't want you to take her words to heart. You're a good person as well as a good cook. Don't be sad." she said and I whimpered.

"She's mean. I did all she asked of me. I had to prepare food for her and yet she was cruel." I said while whimpering.

"That was so bad of her. I didn't know she asked you to cook, I was doing the laundry but I made breakfast. She probably wanted to spite you. Don't be sad." Antonia encouraged.

"I don't know why she hates me. I don't understand what I've done to her. Whenever she comes here, she finds time to insult and hurt me. I'm just tired. It's unbearable. As though pushing me wasn't enough, she decided to do this to me. Why? I hate this so much. I wanna work in peace Antonia." I said and looked at Antonia who felt sorry for me.

"She's short-tempered, she almost slapped me. I can't imagine how you feel about all she has done to you. I'm sorry dear." she said in sweet words.

"Thank you. I didn't know that she hurt you as well." I said and hugged her.

"Sweetie, I freaked out when she did that and was forced to wake you," she told me, we broke our hug and hugged each other again.

"Maureen, have you seen Tonia, she needs to tell the girls to clean faster since the gardener would be coming today," Harry said as he opened the door and he dragged our attention.

"Woah! what happened?" Harry said after he slammed the door behind him and faced us.

He walked closer to us.

"Maureen, what happened?" he asked as he sat on the bed and held my hands.

"It's nothing," Antonia answered in my sted.

"What do you mean by that? I'm not blind and I can see that she's crying. Why is there water on your clothes?" Harry asked and Antonia frowned.

"Miss Hailey poured water on me," I answered so they wouldn't have to argue.

"Why did she do that? I didn't know that she's this wicked."

"I don't know why she hates me. I only cooked and served her. That was the biggest crime I committed."

As I said this, I remembered how she pushed me. She didn't care if I died as I hit my head. I doubt that she's human. I couldn't control my emotions and I began to cry again.

"How could she have made you work when you needed to be resting? C'mon, don't give her the comfort of hurting you. Don't let her ruin your day." Harry encouraged.

"That, she already got. What could be worse than this?" I said sadly.

"Maureen, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have woken you up and this wouldn't have happened." Antonia said sadly.

"It's not your fault. She's capable of freaking anyone." I said reassuringly.

"Let this pass," Antonia said and I smiled sheepishly.

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