24// Total Misconception

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After a while of sitting on the bed, he still held onto the fork and I was confused. I believe that he permitted me to feed him but why did he refuse to let go of the fork? Or did he change his mind?

His hands were trembling. If not for my knowledge of the impact of malaria, I would have been scared. He looked up at me and anxiety hit me.

"What's going on?" I soliloquized.

"You can help with this," he said with a reassuring look. He must have been trying to confirm if he could eat on his own but wait, I'm not forcing him.
Does he feel less of a human because I would be feeding him? his maid! He can as well eat by himself. Am I disgusting? I'm not pleased one bit about this nevertheless, I would still feed him.

I was glad about it earlier because I was going to sit on his bed and care for him but with this attitude, I feel like nothing but his slave.

Maybe I should have looked at his nude. It would have been a nice consolation for this besides, I deserved to see him that way more than anyone.

Downstairs Claudia was alone in her room since Maureen was with Charles. After they had dinner, Matthew and Harry retreated to their room, and so did she when Maureen went to attend to Charles.

She stared at the ceiling unable to sleep. It wasn't because she couldn't fall asleep. She was sleepy. Rather, it was because she couldn't stop thinking about Maureen.

She rolled in bed anticipating why Maureen was taking long to return. She turned to her right and shut her eyes. She was trying to feel at ease but it was futile as she turned left and fluttered her eyes open.

Sitting up, she decided to go upstairs to see what was going on in Charles's room. She believed that Maureen was doing something for Charles as she was always on his good side.

Unlike Maureen, she is determined in whatever she desires and she ensures that results come be they positive or negative.

Claudia would endeavour to uncover the truth about her suspicions. And most times, she acted irrationally without bothering about the consequences of her actions. She concluded that Maureen was with Charles without attempting to check other places in the mansion.

If not that Charles collapsing, Maureen would have been back. Claudia didn't think about what would happen if she was caught spying on her boss. It seemed like she was no longer afraid of Charles. She climbed down from the bed, walked out and closed the door behind her.


Maureen who was sitting picked up the fork.

"Are you okay with this?" he asked and when he did, the fury that she felt subsided.

"I don't have any issues about this sir," she said and looked anywhere but his eyes as she didn't want to droll over him.

She fought many battles in less than 24 hours with his eyes and didn't want to anymore. It wasn't because she was weak but because she didn't want to look stupid in his eyes.

The little remark that Charles passed made me happy. He ruled out her notion that she was a slave to him since he was asking for her permission and didn't want to force her into feeding him.

Maureen understood that he didn't want to inconvenience her since he also loved to do things independently.

Maureen had already sunk the fork into the food so, she stretched out her arm toward Charles. Charles obliged and opened his mouth to take the food in.

Immediately, Maureen swallowed as their gazes met, his blue locking with her black ravaged her senses. There was no way she wasn't gonna look at his eyes since she was feeding him.

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