26// Overnight Bestfriend

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It was the break of another amazing day. Oh yes! Yesterday was fabulous. Although Charles was ill, Maureen was glad to have spent the entire day with him.

She could never wish him ill but the opportunities it brought were something she could have never had. She touched him and had the opportunity to look at him up close.

She saw what a man was supposed to look like half naked and would have seen his nude if she was brave enough to look at him.

It was dawn around 6:00 a.m and the chirps of birds blessed the day. It was a beautiful morning – one filled with gay.

Charles woke up feeling refreshed and his breathing was steady. He was used to waking early so, even though he didn't plan to, he woke up as his body had mastered it. He was happy that he was feeling better and he was hopeful about returning to work.

He believed that if Dr Gabriel saw positive changes, he wouldn't advise against going to work. He wasn't feeling any pain in his body and neither did his head throb.

He was just a little bit weak. Nevertheless, he would have to complete his treatment to ensure proper recovery.

He was warmed by Maureen's care. Her attitude reminded him of his grandmother who was always there for him. Losing her took a toll on his mind as she was his mother. The only woman who lived for him. To him, Veronica was dead and gone as she was absent in his life.

Veronica made him believe that he was a burden as both she and James neglected him when he was a boy. To Charles, his nanny who was now his little brother's nanny was his godmother, his second most important person.

Maureen's caresses at night made him feel calm even though he wasn't aware that it happened. He just felt good. All that occurred to him Charles was that he was feeling nice.

Her caresses reminded his body of his amazing childhood – his happiest days. Charles sat up and took his bath. He knew that Maureen was going to check on him so he wanted to be on clothes.

He took his phone from the drawer where Maureen kept it and went back to sit on the sofa. He crossed his legs, relaxed on his back and started checking through it. He wanted to know what was happening at West Land Airlines so he called Helena Hughes, the General Manager.

"Sir," she said as she picked up the call.

"Any updates?" he asked.

"The board of directors aren't pleased that you're away," she informed.

"What exactly is going on?" Charles asked.

"They believe that..." she paused and had as she didn't like what she was going to tell him.

"Speak up, it's fine," he said and Helena sighed before she spoke.

"They assume that you're ignoring and neglecting West Land matters on purpose and so do the employees," she concluded.

"I'd handle this. Focus on WLA till I return."

"Okay sir," she said and Charles hang up.

Charles put his phone down on the sofa and picked up the TV remote. A beep erupted and he looked down at his phone but it wasn't his. He dropped the remote on the sofa and looked at the phone beside him.

The screen shone immediately after the beep as a text message came through and Maureen's picture was revealed.

As he looked at it, he smirked before he picked it up. Maureen's photo revealed her perfect teeth as she smiled ear to ear. She was a cheerful person.

He dropped it back on the sofa and grabbed his laptop. He wanted to confirm if he had signed the paperwork that Ethan needed to investigate the air traffic controllers.

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