11// A Crazy Confrontation

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I woke up earlier than ever since I will have to attend to Claudia's duties in her absence. But before carrying on with household chores I dimmed it fit to prepare my boss's breakfast before he woke and that I did.

The instant I saw sir Charles descend the stairs, I rushed to him. I took hold of his briefcase and waited for him to walk toward the dining but he did otherwise.

"You don't need to do that I can hold it myself," he said.

"It's not a problem for me sir. The living room isn't far from the dining." I answered.

"I see. Don't bother, I won't be having breakfast," he said and I wasn't pleased with his utterance.

"sir it's still quite early and I think it's better to have something in your tummy to help you prepare for the day ahead of time. You can't say how occupied you'd be. I doubt you will eat at work. Sir try taking in some food even if it's little." I tried to persuade him.

"Well, you have a point it's just 7:00 a.m."

As soon as he said that, I led him to the dining. I had already dished his food so, while he sat and grabbed the fork, I dropped his briefcase and poured the juice into the glass.

Soon, he was done with eating and as soon as I heard the front door slam, I stepped out of the kitchen into the compound. As soon as I arrived, sir Charles got into the car and I couldn't see his face because of the tainted glass.

I watched the car leave with her heart beating uncontrollably. Yet again I was pleased by his decision to heed my plea and eat at home.

Words can express how joyful I am that my opinions matter to him. My only annoyance is that he is in a relationship with Hailey and it's more frustrating that they are friends with benefits.

It's painful that he doesn't know about love and it confuses me a lot but I believe that with my love, he would know what true love is. All I have to do is to be patient in expressing my emotions. It's funny that I don't know how to talk to a guy but I hope that I will become courageous and fight my shy attitude.

"What are you staring at?" Antonia asked and her words jolted me from the trance.

"Nothing. I just think that the car is quite fine." I answered to disguise my true feelings. I wasn't thinking of the car but the person in it.

"Well, our boss is rich. He has more cars and finer ones," she answered.

"That's nice," I said and we both went in to continue with our chores.


It was almost noon and Hailey descended the private jet. She came from Australia to Texas. She was at the airport and as soon as she left the runway she headed to the arrivals.

Some bodyguards walked along with her and she mounted elegantly. Afterwards, she left the airport. Outside, cars were prepared for her to return to her mansion. The Chauffeur ran out, grabbed the only tiny bag she held and placed it in the trunk of the car.

"You guys can leave without me," she told her bodyguards.

"But ma'am we were instructed to bring you back safely." a tall bodyguard spoke.

"Shut up! Do I look dead to you? Get out of my sight!"

As soon as that was done, she got into the car as the chauffeur opened the door and she sat in majestically. Hailey sat in worried. She couldn't get her mind off all she had witnessed in the articles about Charles.

She felt uneasy and thought about how bothersome it would be for him especially now that rumours went on about him. People are accusing him of acting poorly in his duty as a leader and which she couldn't contend with. She was aware that he was a competent ruler and had done his best in promoting the company.

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