13// Utter Disappointment

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Charles came back earlier than the previous day. His car screeched and he descended. He went straight into his home and then to his room.

He had been busy all day with meetings and investigations concerning the cause of the plane crash since parts of the aeroplane had been discovered. He had to resolve the matter immediately to let the rumours die down. That would only happen if they find the black boxes and other evidence to prove West Land non–involving in the plane crash.

Truly, Charles wishes that the proof they find frees WL and himself of the allegation to regain the public trust in West Land. He dropped his briefcase and went to his study to check some papers he left before heading back down.

Meanwhile immediately Matthew, Charles' personal chauffeur came, Antonia saw him walk to his room so, she got ready to bring Charles's dinner. By the time Charles was down, she had already dished his food and so she left to get the fruits.

Just when she left, Charles sat down and started eating but soon, he stopped as he realised that it tastes differently. At that time, Antonia walked by with the fruits in hand. She realised Charles's reaction and felt bad thinking that he disliked the food but that was not the case.

"Antonia, why are you serving me and not Maureen?" he asked calmly.

"Sir, Maureen is ill so I decided to cook and serve," she answered.

"When did this happen?" Charles asked.

"This morning sir but she's fine. Harry and I took her to the hospital and Dr Gabriel confirmed that she was fine." Antonia answered.

"Ok, well I'd come back to this after seeing her," Charles said and stood up.

Antonia wasn't surprised because she was already used to how he treated her besides he made Maureen his cook. She knew that Maureen deserved to be treated right.

She was aware of all Maureen's troubles and how she had taken per–time jobs to support her mother as the eldest of her mother's children. She knew how she grew up poor in St. Gabriel Iberville Parish and how challenging her childhood was.

She was also aware of how Thompson Walter, Maureen's father mistreated Margaret Walter, Maureen's mother and left her to fend for her five children with Maureen inclusive. She knew that Maureen had to leave Louisiana her home town, West South Central region of the United States and journeyed to Texas, the South Central part of the country to get a job, fend for her mother and save enough for university.

Charles arrived in Maureen's room and saw her sleeping soundly. Soon, Antonia also walked in and looked at the duo.

"You said she was ill but why is her head injured? Did she fall off the stairs or trip? It looks serious." Charles asked.

"Yes sir, she went through a surgical procedure because she had a cut on her head," Antonia said.

"Well, has she eaten and what did Dr Gabriel say concerning her injury? Will she get a scar?" Charles asked and Antonia wore a sad look on her face.

"She has eaten dinner and she took the drugs that were prescribed. About the injury, Dr Gabriel said that it might leave a scar," she said and Charles was shocked.

It was evident in how gruesome his face became. Charles became annoyed because they knew that Maureen was always careful. She rarely fell ill so Charles found it a little odd.

"Antonia kindly tell me how this happened. Exactly when did this happen?" Charles asked and Antonia was reluctant to speak if she was going to say anything, she resolved to lie to him.

She couldn't afford to anger Hailey and besides Maureen agreed to let it pass. She had been working with Veronica Jackson and then Charles employed her since she wasn't comfortable with his mother's attitude.

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