2. Spoiled Rich Kid

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In a Shanghai The Top Most College's of China.. A Famous & Heavenly Beauty.. Known as " Playboy ".. Is now at class.. No No.. don't get me wrong.. Yes ! this boy is definitely very smart and intelligent , but currently he is not present in the class.. for any studies.. He is seating on the front bench .. And there is so many beautiful girls and boys standing in the line in front of that 22 year's old boy..

And don't get me wrong.. It's not for any punishment.. Or he is not distributing anything.. They are here for selection.. To be selected by the most famous beauty of Shanghai college.. To be able to go with him in tonight's party.. And if you ask me..why there are also boys too.. Mmm let me tell you.. He Is Heavenly Beautiful As I said.. Wait let me introduce him to you..

So He Is " Wang Yibo " The only heir of biggest and rich businesses man of China " Wang Haikuan" And he will be the future owner of Wang corporation after his dad

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So He Is " Wang Yibo " The only heir of biggest and rich businesses man of China " Wang Haikuan" And he will be the future owner of Wang corporation after his dad.. But it's not that easy how it looks..

As you see.. He is heavenly beautiful.. And addition to this he always wins Beauty competition of college every year.. This is the another thing that he never give a slightly importantance to this thing because he don't need to do competition for this because he himself thinks he is the best and most beautiful.. There is no one even compatible to even be with him in a completion and.. His all fans agree with him.. But still his fans fill his name for the competition and he always wins.. Yes he do have a lot of fan base in college.. The Junior even senior's are also fans of this boy .. Who couldn't be?.. He is the only thing is that makes so many want to be in this college..

Wang Yibo is not just known for " A Heavenly Beauty " But he is famous playboy in the university.. He likes to break so many hearts.. Because he gets bored with one person very easily.. He couldn't find a passion to be with that person longer.. And Yess his time to be bored will be " 1 hour " And if I count the longest it will be 1 day.. More than this he never allows anyone to be with him or even be surrounded him.. If he is bored with that person that should go by himself.. As he had so many girlfriends like this..

But the fact that annoys Wang Yibo is.. So many Handsome , hot hunks.. Also wants to be with Yibo even if it's for just a minute.. But Wang Yibo never agreed till now.. Even if how much that boy will be handsome.. Now if you think it's because maybe he is straight.. It's your thinking.. But the real reason only Wang Yibo knows.. And maybe you will get to know this soon *winks*

.. So without wasting so much time.. Let me tell you .. One more important thing about Wang Yibo.. Even if he had so many girlfriends.. He just makeout with them... He never had sex till now.. He never goes to that step.. If you ask why.. Let gets to know in future.. It's not like he wants to do his first time with his future partner.. It's just something only Wang Yibo knows.. Because Wang Yibo is not a person who believes in love.. And he never had a romantic feelings for anyone.. He never feels those kinds of things which he thinks are just shitty and useless.. Like.. When you see someone your heart started racing.. Or if that person is with you you feel like you have all the world..No No he will never be.. In this kind of disease who makes person to be bounded with him like for forever.. He thinks money and power & beauty is everything..

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