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"Math!" A book was thrown into the air.

"Literature!" Another book exploded mid-air.

"Science!" Billy shouted, shooting his electricity at the book.

"Biology!" Billy and Freddy laughed at the scraps of paper and book landed on the ground below.

"This is what boys call fun? You have superpowers dude! You should do something better them!" You exclaimed. "Like what?" Billy asked. You thought about it for a second.

"You should make a social media account."

Freddy grabbed an old recorder, and you sat next to him as he put in the battery. "This is so old." You marveled. "Well yeah. I don't have enough money for a camera, so.." Freddy shrugged. "I think it's super cool." You giggled. Freddy smiled, a blush appearing on his face. He got up. "Let's go film him."


You stood to the side, sticking your tongue out a bit as you adjusted the camera. "Okay! You guys are at a good angle!" You announced, they both nodded. "Alright, three, two, one, go!" You called.

Freddy leaned his body on a small concrete wall so he could hold the bat with both hands. He swung the hardest he could and hit Billy's chest. The baseball bat exploded into splinters. Freddy laughed in amazement, and you ended the recording.

"Okay let's see, what haven't we tried out?" You asked. "Oh jeez, basically everything. Do you know how many super powers there actually are? He could really have anything—" Freddy's rant was soon cut off. "We mean the basic stuff." Billy said. "Oh, right. Uh, let's see... we could work on flying a bit more? I mean, only the cool superheroes fly." Freddy chuckled.

You cleared your throat, folding your arms. "So you're saying Batman, the Flash, Robin, and WonderWoman aren't cool?" You questioned. "Actually, WonderWoman can fly." Freddy pointed out. You tilted your head, scoffing as you shook it.

"Let's try flying." Billy said, bolting to the small skateboard ramp. Freddy sat on a concrete wall, and you sat next to him.

Freddy leaned toward you a bit. "Also, I think Batman can fly too." Freddy stated. You glared at him, and he smiled in return, turning back to Billy, you lifted up the camera. "Okay! Action." You announced.

Billy ran up the side, making a Superman pose while leaping into the sky. For a second he seemed like he was going to actually fly, but instead he fell down and landed on his back. You cringed as Freddy winced. "You okay?!" Freddy shouted. Billy groaned a small "yes", holding his side in pain before weakly getting up.

While Billy kept trying to fly, Freddy was scribbling away in his journal. "Okay, I made a list of basic things most superheroes have." Freddy explained, underlining basic on his basic list.

You looked over his shoulder, reading the list.

Basic Super Powers:

-time travel
-enhanced senses
-mind manipulation
-body manipulation
-water manipulation
-lazer eyes
-fire manipulation

"Wow, is that everything?" You asked sarcastically. "Nope, I didn't even write down every single basic one yet!" He said, totally missing your sarcasm. It's like no one's ever been sarcastic to him, which isn't true.

"Do you get it now? How many powers are in the world? It's amazing isn't it?" Freddy looked to you. His whole face beamed with excitement and happiness, it's probably the most pure thing you've ever seen. You smiled. "Never really thought about it." You shrugged. "Well you should. It's really fascinating how many there are, even though there aren't a lot of people who get it. Unlike Billy." You both looked at Billy, still trying to fly.

"What I would give to have the chance Billy has." Freddy sighed. You turned to Freddy and stared at his face. His excitement had disappeared, and he seemed a bit sad.

You questioned why, but didn't say anything. Instead you looked to a tired Billy. "Let's go try the other powers, shall we?" You suggested. Freddy blinked from his thoughts, looking at you. "Yeah." He nodded, seeming to be back to normal.


Billy hit a few pillars and flicked a barrel, making it fly away with his super strength. Freddy was checking off every power he didn't have. The only power that you discovered he had was fire resistance.

Currently, as a punishment for putting Billy in a box and setting him aflame, Freddy was trapped in a small cardboard box. "Billy, come on, you didn't die." You reasoned. "I could've! You didn't know that it would burn me alive!" Billy yelled, making you roll your eyes.

"Come on! Let me out! I— I gotta pee!" Freddy exclaimed, hitting the box. You walked to the box and ripped the tape off it. The lid opened and Freddy's head popped out. You stifle a laugh. "Okay Freddy, you're free to go." You said, helping Freddy out of the box. "Thank you." Freddy sighed in relief, glaring at Billy.

"I gotta go—" Freddy said quickly, walking as fast as he could to the bathroom.

You chuckled while shaking your head. "So.." Billy said. "So.." you said back. You both awkwardly stood there. You've never been left alone with Billy, it's always been Freddy, Billy, and you. Not you and Billy.

"What are you and Freddy?" Billy asked suddenly. You looked at him, confused. "Like, are you two like.. like a thing?" Billy specified. "Oh. No! I— I, no." You defended, your face turning a bright red. "I don't think he sees me like that." You admitted, nervously twirling your hair. "Really? I just, I always see him staring at you and gawking over you. But, I guess it's none of my business." Billy shrugged.

It was silent for a second, before Billy said. "I mean, you're pretty, so, I get why someone would have a crush on you." Billy complimented. Your blush only worsened, yet you smiled. "Thank you." You said. "Yeah, no problem." Billy smirked.

Freddy, came out of the bathroom, thirty seconds ago, meaning he heard the part where Billy was flirting with you. He watched your facial expressions, you were as red as a tomato, and you kept fiddling with your hair. Yet you had a wide, beautiful smile displayed.

Freddy looked down, does Billy really make you this happy? He shook his head. He'll not think about it right now. Freddy watched as you and Billy continued small talk, and he sighed.

If this was a movie, Billy would be the main character, meaning you would probably be the love interest.

Freddy is just the best friend, the comedic relief.

Nothing more.

𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗱𝗼𝘀 (freddy freeman)Where stories live. Discover now