chapter 28

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it's been a few days and no sign of tubbo waking up. lately I have been meeting up with quackity again. we dicided to take it slower. things have been great if you ask me. I always push back the memories of tubbo and quackity comforts me.

its been even more days. I was on my way back home from seeing quackity. it looks like the person that watched me finally came back. it's been a while since they came back. or the feeling coming back.

as I open the door to my home, I was engulfed by a tight hug. I was meeted by three pairs of eyes. Tommy, Wilbur and techno. then who was hugging me? I looked down to see some fluffy, brunette hair. the person looked up and me and it hit me. his teal eyes stared into mine. I was quick to hug back and start crying into his hair. it was, it was,

it was tubbo. he was back.
"t-tubbo, how are you? are you okay? when did you wake up?"
I bombarded him with questions. I didn't worry much about him. alright look, I can explain. you know how I said that he was almost lifeless when I saw Tommy and Wilbur next to him on the podium? somehow I could see him still breathing. almost all my hope dripped away.

he started giggling into my chest. he looked back up at me.
"I missed you too."
he smiled again
"hey that doesn't answer my question!"
I jokingly shouted
"we found him awake when you were out."
techno's monoton voice spoke.

was it just me or did I just get butterflies from his voice. wait what am I saying? I can't fall in love with him. just looked what happened last time. quackity ignored me. it's dangerous. and fall in love with my teammate? no.

everything was perfect again. tubbo was back, our team was getting a break for once from war, I got to talk to all my friends again. I had all my family back. that's all I needed. it was all so perfect. too perfect.

"sorry to ruin your perfect moment but I need to announce something, "
wilbur spoke. we all looked at him with confusion and a bit of worry.
"there is a traitor among us. we can't trust anyone. for all we know it might be me."
he said plainly.

everyone seemed quite shocked. Well not me or techno. Tommy and tubbo was really shocked. they were still children though.

I went to sleep. I was tired. plus it was already pretty late. we were going to talk about war in the morning.

I woke up to my lantern being lit. Wilbur was telling for me to wake up. I quickly got changed and made my way to the discussion room. there sat everyone. everyone that helped us. I quickly toom my seat next to eret. he slightly smiled. god how I missed his heart warming smile.

tubbo coughed slightly to catch everyone's attention.
"I think I might know who the traitor is."
tubbo announced. he seemed confident. we all looked around at eachother. Wilbur looked panicked for a second. he quickly covered it up.
"who is it?"
Wilbur asked as calm as he can. tubbo just pointed to me.

everyone looked shocked.
"y/n, it all goes to you. you used to meet up with quackity. and you still are now. and guess what side quackity is in. manburg. you probably have been telling all our plans to manburg. why else would you get invited to the festival after you ran away from schlatt. and he never left you alone. a bit suspicious."
he accused me. but he didn't know what the real reason is.

"it isn't me! I swear! this is just a misunderstanding!"
I tried defending myself.
"stop rejecting the truth, y/n. we know it's you. tubbo is right. it all points to you. you used to hang out with quackity and you do now. remember when you used to take me with you. we would go under that tree where you and quackity would always go. you told me how you loved him. and before he left, he kissed you. you are still in love with him, aren't you?"
Tommy spoke.

my face plummeted. he wasn't wrong. but I wasn't really in love with him. not after what he did.
"get them out."
tommy whispered.

I looked at him while being dragged out of my house. that wasn't the Tommy I used to know. he changed. Tommy is now a stranger that knows all my secrets. the Tommy I used to know was really gone.

once I was thrown out, they all told me to go and join manburg. that's where I belong anyways.
"no matter what you say, I will always be on your side when we have our war. I'm sorry that I wasn't trust worthy."
I said loud enough for all of them to hear me.

fundy grabbed a bow and arrow. he shot it right into my shoulder. just like he did to his father. I ran and ran. that wasn't my home anymore. a home is a safe place. that wasn't home for sure.

a day or so has passed. I ran to a cliff. the same cliff that me and someone else danced at when I ran out of the party. who was it again?


WOOOO. COMPLETED ANOTHER ONE. I was supposed to post this yesterday but I didn't. I didn't complete it because I was really tired but I did the rest in the morning. the next chapter is going to be like a flashback. you know how lucky kinda died in chapter 15. Well this flashback is what really happened and its more detailed and longer.

love you all so much and have a good rest of your day!

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