Chapter 20 Plan

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Madison P.O.V

I groaned, opening my eyes. Sitting up, I realized I was in my bedroom. I looked around in confusion, the last thing I remember were the vampires attacking and... Selena!

"Oh!" I jumped when two pairs of arms wrapped around me.

"Maddy, don't scare us like that." Jason scolded.

"I'm sorry I worried you both, but I'm fine I just need to get used to Selena's power." I laughed pushing them off of me.

They pouted before laying down at my sides. Jason wrapped his arms around my waist, while Cameron laid his head on my stomach. I laughed a little, before giving in and putting my head on Jason's shoulder.

"You scare us a lot Maddy..." Cameron whispered sadly. My heart broke at his statement, but I understood this wasn't how a normal mate relationship was. 

I sighed running my hand through his hair, "I scare myself  too sometimes."

We didn't speak after my statement. But what was there really left to say? 


"So, are we going to ever get out of bed?" I sighed.

"No." Cameron mumbled from my side. He'd moved from my stomach a little while back, but this was comfortable so I didn't mind.

"Well I have to go, Nicole is probably freaking out right now..." Jason murmured, kissing my head and sitting up.

"We'll see you in the morning," I yawned closing my eyes. 

"Maddy it's only 6 in the afternoon and you haven't eaten." Cameron scolded.

"But I'm tired....."

"I don't care we're feeding you."

Cameron got out of the bed and hoisted me over his shoulders. I laughed and leaned my head against his shoulder as he made the trip to the dining hall. My stomach growled quietly and Cameron turned to look at me with a I told you so look.

I stuck my tongue out at him and turned to look behind us. Jason was shaking his head a small smile on his lips as we made our trip. I closed my eyes as we continued walking in silence. The palace was more peaceful then I'd expect after an attack.

Cameron stopped and I groaned opening my eyes.

"Welcome back to earth..." Yasmin smirked.

I grinned at everyone and jumped off Cameron's back taking my seat at the head of the table. Everyone bowed respectively towards my mates and I before continuing with their meals. A plate of food was put in front of me and I immediately began to start chowing down.

Damon laughed, taking another bite of his meal. I huffed and continued to eat my food and fill the hole known as my stomach.

"So, are we going to retaliate?"

I looked over at Nathan and shook my head, "no, we're going to train so if they attack we will be ready and better prepared."

Nathan sighed before giving me a nod.

"I will set up schedules and have them sent to everyone around the palace and to those who live near us as well." Damon added.

I nodded and continued to eat. No one else spoke for the rest of our dinner; all that could be heard was the sound of the clanking silverware.


Short I know

But I really wanted to update and my laptop was about to die

You all tell me what kind of chapter you will like next time

I will be trying to update soon again

Now I really have to go guys

Please don't forget to...






Bye everyone :)

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