Chapter 2.

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December 1, 1995. Stark Manor.

Tony Stark,

I know you might not remember me, but I know you very well. If not for seeing you and your family plastered all over the news, but everyday I see her, I see you in her.

We met a few years ago at a party full of extremely drunk people including you and I so I'm not disappointed if you don't remember me. We spent the night together and you left before I woke up but you left me with something unforgettable.

For the last two years I tried to cater for your 'gift' but I'm tired so I dropped 'it' off at yours.

Melissa Olivia Stark is her name. She is your daughter- if it's not so obvious to you. I'm sorry for not coming forward soon but it's been far too long and I can't take it anymore.

I realised that I don't want to spend my youth tied down to a child I didn't even want in the first place, so here she is.

Don't bother looking for me because even if you tried you wouldn't find me. Don't expect to see my face also because I am never coming back.



To say Tony was shocked was the understatement of the century. He fell on the couch, rubbing his temple, he could already feel the migraine coming. He wasn't expecting that at all. He wasn't cut out for parenting. He barely had his life in order, heck he still had a nanny a few years ago for gosh sake.

He didn't even know who 'Katie' was.


The letter did say the girl was here.

Tony sprang up to his feet and rushed upstairs. If the girl was here then his mum-

He ran through the hallway, he knew his mother so well, he knew that if she had seen the girl she would have made sure she was well taken care of, that means she would be in the third guest room, the one closer to the main floor. That was where his mum always dreamed of gifting her grandchild.

He was right after all. But he was shocked at the sight in barged into.

His mum was cradling a very small child in her arms, smiling so kindly at the child - the same smile she gives him. He could even go as far as saying it was brighter than the ones she gave him recently.

The woman, who was still oblivious to the entrance of her son laid the girl back down one the bed that seemed to swallow her whole.

The girl had woken up and had released the paper in her hand to Maria. When it seemed like the poor baby had difficulty sleeping, Maria had scooped her into her arms careful with the drip in her hand and had rocked her back to sleep.

Maria was shocked to see her son when she turned around. His gaze was on the girl behind her. She walked towards her baby, cupping his face in her hands. Her baby was now a father.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Maria asked her son who tore his eyes of his 'daughter' to look at his mother.

Tears filled his eyes as he looked at the familiar warm brown eyes.
"I'm not ready to be a father." He admitted in a whisper to his mother, who was the only one understood that him all these years.

"I know." She whispered as she pulled him in for a hug. Tony held unto his mother for dear life, sobbing in her shoulders like he'd always done as a kid.

"I trust that you will be the greatest father to your child. Yes, you will make mistakes, but I know you'll give it all your best." Maria encouraged, running her fingers through his soft hair as his sobs reduced to sniffles. " I'll be with you in every step on the way."

She promised.

Little did she know she wouldn't keep her promise long enough.

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