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It was extremely late the sun was all the way down it was almost pitch black if it wasn't for some of the lights on I didn't go too far deep in the undercity i'm not even down below I can still see the sky it was really something I have to say it's been so long since I last been here I don't really remember everything I was still so young when it happened I don't even know what I was looking for I know it could be dangerous at night but something was pulling me to keep looking around I don't know why I don't head back yet but I just been walking on a path lately I don't know where it's taking me but I'm just following it somethings telling me to


I looked up and saw that there was another explosion The color of it was blue I picked up my paste and ran to where the explosion was I didn't know exactly where I was going but I had a feeling I knew where the explosion was it took me a couple of minutes to get there I looked at the building it was on fire but I recognized it it was the building that I grew up in I went towards the building I wanted to see what caused the explosion to happen

Before I could get any closer to the building I heard crying and yelling I followed the sound it was little girl I looked closer and it was the same girl I saw that day I immediately went up to her

"hey are you ok" she looked up at me she had tears streaming down her face she looks so scared I dropped on my knee and put my hand on her cheek to try and wipe the tears away "it's all right"


"It's all right" in front of me was the same girl I saw that day I was pretty sure of it she was wiping away my tears "what are you doing out here" I didn't know what came over me but I just wrapped my arms around her knocking her back some "hey hey it's all right you're not alone" I bury my head into her chest she wrapped her arms around me as well "your name is Power right" I couldn't talk all I did was nod my head "my name is (y/n)" She lifted my head up so I would look at her "why don't we get out of here" she had a bright smile on her face "where would we go" she started to stand up and grab my hands "we can go back to my place I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind" I sent her nod she got a hold of my hand as I followed her


Power stayed close to me I think she was afraid that I was gonna leave her we got to the bridge and she stopped "Is something wrong" she was shaking a lot more "I know you live there but I'm from the... what if she don't" I put my hand back on her cheek to make a look at me "trust me my mom won't care" I could tell that she was more hesitant "I mean I don't see why she would care I'm from the undercity" her expression change she looks surprised "but I thought you were" I started to walk on the bridge with her following me "yeah I live in Piltover but I was born in the undercity there was a fight on the bridge and my parents was killed a enforcer tried to kill me but my mom found me before he could" we made it all the way across the bridge and now we were just walking in the streets to get my place

"where do you live exactly" she was walking beside me she still had a hold of my hand "straight ahead" she was looking around in aw The street light was on she stopped again when we reach the gate "isn't that the" I turned to look at her and gave her smile "yep my mom is the ruler of Piltover" I open the gate and we made it inside

"we have to be quiet I don't know where my mom is" I lead her to wear my room is but before I even got halfway down the hall a light was shining in my eyes "there you are" Power hide behind me "Hey mom what are you doing awake" I was so busted "where have you been it's almost midnight and who is that behind you" I let out of shaky sigh "promise to not get mad" she got down on one of her knees in front of me "I promise now where have you been" I looked at power and gave her smile "You see I went to the undercity but I didn't go all the way in I stayed on the surface an explosion happened and I want to go check it out" I close my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at my mom but I felt a hand on my head "you're curious I have to admit now who's your little friend" I stepped aside so Power was in her view "this is Power I found her by the explosion she was all alone I couldn't leave her"  Power tighten her grip on my hand "it's nice to meet you Power I'm Mel (y/n) mother" Power scooted closer to me "it's nice to meet you" mom looked at me and looked back at her  "you two should get to bed and Power you can stay as long as you want" mom stood back up as I took Power to my room

"your mom seems nice" I close the door to my room "yeah she's one of the kind people I met" I lead Power to the bathroom "why don't you go take a bath real quick I can get some clothes out for you" I saw that she was nervous "don't worry I'm not leaving you i'll just be outside bathroom" she seem to calm down a little as she let go of my hand I went to one of my dresses I got some pajamas out for her I knocked on the bathroom door and heard her to say come in I open the door and put the clothes on the counter

After she got changed she came out of the bathroom "hey (y/n)" I turned to face her "what is it Power" she was nervous "do you think I'm a Jinx" I looked at her confused "a Jinx" she sat on the edge of the bed as I sat beside her "I keep messing up I made the explosion happened and nothing I build works what if I am a Jinx" I was still confused "what are you trying to build" She turned to face me "I try to build bombs but nothing I do works"

"can you explain to me how you are building them" she looked at me surprised but agreed after she got done explaining I realize what she was doing wrong "let me go grab something" I jumped off the bed and went to grab my sketchbook that I put on my desk I sat back on the bed and open the page "you see some of the key parts you are using are off" I gave her my sketchbook and she was looking at the design "I never see half of the stuff" I scooted closer to her and started pouring at the different

"can we try to build this" I looked at her with excitement "yeah we can I design a lot of stuff but I don't know how to build it" I close my sketchbook and put it on the bedside table "well I know how to build stuff they just don't work half the time" we both got underneath the covers and she snuggled up to me "we can work on it tomorrow and we can see if it works" I wrap my arms around her and started to asleep
"good night Power"
"good night (y/n)"

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