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Three weeks has passed and I've been in training to be an enforce for a week now I wasn't the best but I wasn't the worst I already had some training because of my parents but I wasn't the best at it like I said I wasn't really active but I can run for a long period of time so I got high points in that one the one that I'm terrible at is shooting a gun we don't really shoot guns often but I am still so bad at it the one we normally use is a rifles and I am just terrible we always keep a handgun on us just in case we do have to shoot something but I cannot aim every time I think that my aim is perfect I'm wrong Miss Grayson been trying to help me with it as well but it was difficult

not to mention we had to move the training ground for a couple weeks because a war was breaking out between the undercity and Piltover so we had to move the training ground they didn't want us involved in it just in case because we are the future of the enforcers they kept saying so we can't really get involved with the fight on top of that our old ruler has passed away and we're getting a new one she should be coming on the last day of the war when we will overturning as well we don't know how long though war on the bridge will last is mostly being held on the bridge

anyway we are getting to know our new ruler some stuff about her we know her name last name and where she's from but that's it we don't know anything else about her not her family or anything like that

I was laying on my bunk it was the middle of the day and we were taking a break some people were sleeping some of them was training and some is just playing games I just laid there thinking about my family it hurt more than anything to not be able to see them ever since that day of the fire I haven't really been myself I just been going through the motions

we found out what caused the fire someone knocked over a candle and didn't realize it it was in my dad study so it burned everything down in the house my parents was upstairs with my sister my dad study was on the first floor they were going to put Serena to bed when they smelled smoke all three of them ran down the stairs seen the living room in flames miss Grayson said that they try to go up the stairs but it was already on fire upstairs she said she that they found the bodies on the stairs there wasn't all the way dead yet so they got the story of what happened but after that the smoke in their lungs been in there for too long making their body stopped working they couldn't breathe properly and when they tried to get medicine for them it was already too late they had already passed  there was nothing that they could do about do

"Eric did you hear me" I jumped up quickly as one of the officers was standing over my bed "sorry sir I was thinking that's it" I saw him roll his eyes as everyone left the room but once they were gone he sat down on the bed and put it on around me "I know kid you were thinking about your family again I can't blame you you know we're trying to help you here but you need to listen more on that note get ready we're heading back" he got up and left the room as I packed my things I never really unpacked them so I just had to put what I had out away once we got on the airship we left for Piltover we could see the damage that was on the bridge it was getting to be sunset so we'll just head back to the training grounds and get set up and find out what happened

After we took all of our stuff out of the bags we went in for a meeting they told us what exactly happened on the bridge and that the undercity had finally surrendered we also found out that the new ruler had an adoptive daughter named (y/n) we will be addressing her as miss even though she's younger than us we found out that she was six after the meeting we all went to bed

The next few days was even more rough we didn't lose a lot of enforces but they were still taking it very hard on us to get us all ready I was falling behind though I still couldn't shoot a gun properly even though Miss Grayson has been trying to help me a week has passed since the attack on the bridge and I was called in to Mrs. Grayson's office

I knocked on her door three times and I could hear her say come in "you wanted to see me ma'am" I close the door behind me as I walked in a little standing in the middle of the "that I did" she had a file in her hand and a bag near her desk "I have a job for you and depending how it goes well determined where you will be placed" she held the file to me and I went closer to take it I open up the file to see a picture of the princess of Piltover and some of her information

In the file

Name (y/n) Medarda
Age 6
Hair color dark brown
Eye color grayish blue
Skin color (s/c)
Height 3'6

Out of file

I look back at Miss Grayson confused "what is this about" she stood up and grab the bag near her desk and handed it to me "from now on you'll be her personal bodyguard Miss Mel and I think it would be the best idea for you Miss Mel will give you the rundown on princess
(y/n) so do behave" I looked inside the bag to see a uniform I'm guessing it will be the one I have to wear

I look back up at her and saw her smiling "don't worry I picked you for this job because I know you would be the best one she reminds me a lot of you just a little heads up there" I gave her a nod as she pointed to a bathroom that connected to her office "go change I will take you to the palace once you're done"  I went inside the bathroom and got change into the uniform it wasn't a normal one but it was the beginner it was the right colors everything like that it just wasn't the heavy armor that they wear so people could tell that you're an enforce but you are just beginning

I left the bathroom to see Miss Grayson waiting for me by the door "are you ready" I let out a shaky breath as I stood beside her  

"ready as I'll ever be ma'am"

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