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I was walking around the palace telling Vi what i've been up to all of these years Caitlyn was with her parents and Ekko wasn't back yet so it's just me and Vi "i'm happy that you found a place you can be yourself i'm glad that (y/n) found you when she did who knows what would've happened if she didn't" I heard the main doors start to open it caught both of our attention

it was Ekko "hey little man how did it go" Vi went over to him and gave him a hug "hey you two everything went good I stayed for a little bit longer just to help around telling them what's going on and what we're trying to do" I gave a Ekko a hug as well "we're just happy you're back have you seen (y/n) though she left around sunrise and it's about to be sunset" Ekko shook his head no "can't say I have do you know where she could've gone though maybe I might've passed and not noticed" I started to think and a place came to mine "maybe she's underneath the bridge she used to go there whenever she needed to clear her head or get ideas for designs so she could be there but she's normally back before sunset I don't think she would've gone to the undercity" we stood there think for a little bit until we heard some footsteps

"what are you all doing down here" we all turned our attention to Mel "Ekko just got back and we just stood here talking for a little" Mel came down the steps and looked around "where is (y/n) she's normally with you" I shrug my shoulders "we don't know she said she was leaving early today around sunrise and she hasn't got back yet I was thinking she might be in her quiet place but she's normally back before sunset so we don't know" just then we heard the door bust open "Ekko there you are I have something report" I recognize that voice it was Eve "do tell what it's about" Eve stood there panting for a little bit but was finally able to speak "it's about (y/n)" that count all of our attention "what about my daughter" Mel sounded worried "well we saw her in the undercity I was going to go up to her and ask what she's doing down there until I saw that she was with Silco I don't know why she was with him maybe he kidnapped her he was walking awful close to her and they wasn't even saying a word so I couldn't hear anything but I did notice that (y/n) eyes was red I don't know why I came here as fast as I could"

that took us all off guard "he has cross the line kidnapping her I'll deal with this" Mel was mad I could tell that she was going off to grab something but I stopped "why don't we give them a warning give him a note saying if he does not return her we will go in by force knowing (y/n) that what she would do" Mel gave me a simple nod "you're right powder can you deliver a note to him" Eve gave her a quick nod as I gave her some paper after a few minutes she handed the piece of paper over to Eve "give that to him or one of his minions and tell them to give it to him ASAP or else we're going by force"


"i'm not the best to ask about this my friend is the one that created the drug well found it he knows more about it than anyone we can go see him tomorrow" dad got up out of his seat and stood right beside me "I see I think Victor well I understand" I let out another yawn as I laid my head on my dad's shoulder "you should get some sleep it's late" I was about to agree before we heard a knock on the door "come in" dad sat back at his desk as I went to the other side of the desk and sat down looking at the door

in came the same woman I took the hextech gemstone from I believe her name was Sevika "what is it this time" dad sounded annoyed as the woman shot me death glares "we got another note from them" that confused me there shouldn't be any more notes "let me see it" she gave the note to my dad and he opened it and started to read it "this makes no sense are we sure this note is meant for me" the Sevika woman just nodded her head "can I see it maybe I can understand it" without hesitation dad gave me the note "let's see here it says 'Silco you have crossed the line destroying something in Piltover taking something from us is one thing but kidnapping the princess of Piltover my daughter is another thing if you don't give her back we will go in by force and take her back you have three hours'" I looked at the note in complete shock "yeah that doesn't make sense we don't have the princess of" before Sevika could finish I yelled "dammit mom what I can't go off on my own for about a couple of hours any more what the fuck" I slammed the not on the desk and got up

"what do you mean by that" I turned around two look at my father "right I should've started with this there's a lot of things I should've started with to be honest but the day on the bridge when the attack happened when my biological mother died I ran to Piltover I got shot in the leg the queen of Piltover the ruler was just coming in saw me protected me saying 'she just a kid she have's no part in this' and took me in she adopted me because one I thought you were dead and two I basically had no family left naming me the princess of Piltover and now I have to deal with this" it was silent for a couple of seconds before all you could hear was the Word


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