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The last thing I remembered was being knocked out I know that my head hurts I had something over my head and my hands are tied I was just getting up when I heard yelling "I knew it was a mistake trusting you" I recognized it to be Caitlyn "you've been a real
Picnic yourself" it was Vi the only one I didn't hear was (y/n) "Power are you there" I was trying to listen for (y/n) "yeah I'm here but where is" I heard chuckling "i'm right here are you doing all right" I felt relief go over my body "yeah I'm fine it's just my head hurts what about you" I heard her grown "i'll be fine I don't have any injuries but my head hurts and there's a pain in my arm for some reason how about you two" I heard someone trying to break something "just fine trying to get out of these though do you think this is Silco doing"
"it isn't if it was him we were already be dead" I try to fiddle with the lock to get it undone "plus his men should still be asleep well at least the majority I don't know how long those sleeping bombs lasted for them though" I heard a door open "take those two" I feel someone pick me up and throw me over their shoulders "let me go" Vi was yelling at them "VI"

We were transferred to a different room the bag was taken off our heads there was a man he had purple skin and bat ears he walked over to someone and gave him a tap on the leg the strange man dismissed him so it's just us three "you shy or just ugly" classic Vi the man stood up and put his weapon down he came a little bit towards us and took off his mask and hood "you two look good for dead girls" I couldn't believe what I was seeing "Ekko" I started to smile "it's been so long" he looked at us up and down "what do you know about this" he open the container and the gemstone was in it "nothing what the hell is this all about" he turned the gemstone to me waiting for a response "it's a gemstone well more pacifically is a piece of hextech magic if you will" Vi looked at me for answers "seems like you know a lot about this are you two working for Silco" Vi stood up and I did the same "fuck you" Ekko started to pace back-and-forth "l thought that you two were dead and now you two show up with two Pity and give them a tour of the lanes" Ekko was upset "you were following us" me and Vi both said at the same time "why didn't you say something"

"I didn't know if I could trust you guys" that explains somethings "So you just come out swinging" I looked at Vi "kind of like how you did since we were kids I wonder where he learned that from" Vi sent me a glare "not the time and you should've learned more you still punched like a little boy" Ekko snapped back "and you still block with your face" that was the first time we've ever seen Ekko stand up to Vi "I remember when you wouldn't stand up to me" I heard a click and Vi went to hug him "I missed a little man"  I rolled my eyes and got out the handcuffs as well and I gave him a hug "we both did" Ekko was frozen "how long have you two had those off" I started to chuckle "how long have you been whining" I felt him finally returned a hug

Ekko open the door for us and we followed him outside we both looked around in aw "is that a real tree" I look forward and saw what Vi was talking about "pretty cool huh when I first saw it I knew this was the place if a single seed can make it down here so could we" Ekko was leaning against the railing "you've built all this" I couldn't say anything I just kept looking around "not alone after Vander" he stop talking for a second and I want to join them by the railing "died Silco flooded the lanes with shimmer he didn't care what it did to people everyone here was an attic or a victim" there were some kids sitting with each other and they waive to us "they needed somewhere safe to start again" I started to mess with my engagement ring "I should have been there for you for everyone" I put my hand on Vi shoulder "that's a good way to drive yourself crazy"
"you couldn't have known what would happen none of us would have" Vi gave me a little smile "if I just went with you two that day maybe none of this would've happened" Vi started to walk away a little "or maybe you will be dead" Ekko put a hand on my shoulder "Vi we can't change the past no matter how hard we try we can't do that it was my fault that their dead I know that and I have excepted it but we can't drown ourselves in the Past thinking what could and couldn't have happened that goes the same thing to you Ekko" Vi turned back around to look at us "I got one more thing to show you guys"

Ekko lead us to the tree around it was different stuff what I'm assuming to be the dead stuff there was a big painting it has everyone we lost in it that night it even had me and Vi in the painting "this is everyone that we lost the price of our freedom some of it was enforces most was Silco I don't know where you two have a been I'm glad you two are safe that's the important thing" I started to mess with the ring again "I would like to know where you two were though" I stirred at the painting "i've been in prison for those years I don't know about Power though" I felt a hand on my shoulder "Pow where were you" it was Ekko I looked at my ring them back at him "you're not gonna like my answer" he look confused "since the incident I've been in piltover (y/n) One of the girls that are still tied up found me she's one year older than me but nonetheless she found me and took me in I've been living with her and her mom ever since" Ekko looks surprised "I know you wouldn't like that answer that much but I'm glad she found me she help me out a lot"

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