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Dad stopped in the middle of the room with everyone staring at him I saw everyone on the council except for my mother jaw drop "i'm sorry you're what" I looked at Jayce as I let a little giggle out "my father you see I'm not from Noxus like mom i'm from the undercity it just so happened the day that the war came to an end on the bridge with the same day that mom found me I was in the middle of it I washed my mother perish and my stepfather I ran away I didn't know I was coming over here until I got shot in the leg and mom took pity on me take me in I found out a couple days ago that my dad was still alive and so happen to be the ruler of the undercity" I gave my dad a soft smile as I turn back to the council " that being said I am still Mel's daughter adopt daughter as I always worse it's just happened that I found my father doesn't mean I'm leaving mom and I'm not leaving my dad we're working out how he can come visit or I could go to him but that isn't important right now what is it getting peace between the two lands"

I could tell a bunch of them wasn't happy with me finding out that one I'm from the undercity and they had to show me respect all this time and two that Silco there sworn enemy is my father but I didn't care to be honest I never cared what they thought about me "so in other words what you're saying is you have no right to anything up here since you're from the Undercity" Shoola asked me she was the one with claws those golden things on her fingers "that's incorrect she still my daughter so that makes her the princess of piltover but it also makes her the princess of Zaun the undercity in another words so you will still show her respect" mom had venom in her voice as she spoke "that you will show my daughter respect I don't care what you all think about me and I know neither does (y/n) but it's in you best interest to keep her respect  especially since she can make any weapon knows how to use it and makes bombs for a living" dad had a smug look as he least the things that I could do off I saw the council except for mom shiva in fear

"right then we seen your list is that everything you want" Caitlyn's mother clear her throat to kind of ease the tension "that's what it will take for peace yes but I know my daughter want some other things" they all turned to give me there full attention mom and dad already knew what I wanted "I understand that this is going to take time to do it's not gonna be jumping to it it's gonna take time but I want to give every right that we have here in piltover to the people down in Zaun and you can argue with me but this is happening mom has already agreed to it" I saw one of them stand up but I cut them off as I laughed "what do you have something to say about it because if I'm correct you caused the problem down they you let this happen you let war happen you have  do you want everything down there happen because you didn't care I on the other hand is trying to fix it for you you're lucky I'm nice and not  tearing you to a pulp right now for it because trust me I will and knowing everyone in this room the only people that will try to stop me is the rest of the counselor mom wouldn't even dare try she knows where I'm coming from" I saw his terrifying look on his face as a grin got on mine as I was still laughing a little bit smiling at the same time

I heard coughing and I look towards dad "all right little one stop  acting like me and your mother combined it's terrifying the new level of scary stop making it go higher" I Begin to begin to have a little bit more as I stood up properly staring at the rest of the council "now you can agree to this willingly or we will make you agree to this I'm the one that is in charge of this so tightly I overrule you guys for it and you're lucky I wanna do this peacefully with you all" none of them say a word I look towards Jayce to see that he wouldn't even look me in the eyes anymore I saw my mother cleaning her throat as she raised her hand "I am all for the agreement like my daughter said I won't try and stop her I'll help her with this I want peace I hate war I grew up with war was the first option I don't want that anymore so we can settle this peacefully and we have already we're doing peacefully" I raise my hand and so did Dad I looked around the room

see the second person that raised a hand was Caitlyn's mother surprisingly "I don't have to agree with this all the way but I understand from a mothers point of view my daughter Caitlyn I understand that she fell in love with someone from the undercity she introduced her to me a couple days ago as her girlfriend I think it will be kind of wrong if I don't agree to this" my eye shot wide open as I looked at Vi and Caitlyn I could tell that Powder and Ekko was just as surprised I sent them a smile and gave them a nod as I turn back to the rest of the council "this is crazy" to my surprise Shoola the gold stuff on her fingers shined as the light hit them as she raised her hand " you earned my respect princess I thought that you were just some stock up girl like everyone else but I guess I was wrong you have my respect I'm with you all the way"

next one was the robot guy I can't remember his name "to be honest I understand that this was all our fault for not trying to work this out peacefully with everyone down there I remember when there was peace and that was with the old ruler but yet we never tried even though that was a peaceful time we understand that he's gone now but I wished that we work something out soon with him he seems like a good man" I looked at my dad Vi, Powder, and, Ekko my dad look guilty Powder, Vi, and, Ekko had two emotions happy but sad

The next guy that raced his hand was I can't remember his name on the spot but he had brown hair and he was chubby "we could get more trade routes with this I'm sure there's a lot of stuff down in the undercity we can get that might be useful here and with this going on we can trade with them and give them stuff they need" the smile on my face grew and grew more and more there was two people left the stuck up blonde guy and Jayce

the next was the blonde guy "I hate to admit it but he's right there's some stuff that we could use down there and there's some no lot of stuff in fact that we could help them with you bring up a lot of good points princess I'm willing to give this a try" The last person was Jayce "I don't know this is reckless what will happen-" I cut him off before he could finish

"are you serious right now what would happen if what a lot could happen but I don't care what you were say one your outvoted and second I already talk to Victor about this this was all planned to begin with was to help the undercity this was Victor's plan and I'm sticking to it sure I brought it up but I'm not gonna to take credit for this plan I talk to Victor when I was young all the time and he told me he wish that the undercity had the same things that piltover had there's a lot of people down there dying from diseases and illnesses that we have up here but we can save them because we have the right medicine down there you barely even get medicine it's so  rare to come across some that's why people turn to shimmer it's a medicine it's just people don't know they have to use it down there shimmer does two things the first one is what I'm talking about it helps heal your body you just need the right dose but no you wouldn't know that because you don't care I've always disliked you Jayce for some reason I don't know why but I just don't maybe it has something to do with us maybe it has something to do that you took full credit of what Victor was doing I understand that you were the one that found Hextech but then again Victor help you prove it build the machines for you and everything he stayed up late every night doing it and where were you partying being the face of the entire thing but didn't even lift a finger you disappoint me Jayce I don't even know how Victor feels he doesn't get credit for anything that he does" I saw the look on his face he looked guilty I want to say but I don't know he could be acting but I sent him a smile "Either way if you agree to this or not you still be outvoted in this it will happen so will you do the right thing and try to get peace and stand with Victor your lab partner the person that stuck with you throughout all of this when everyone else said that it couldn't work that no one believed you or are you going to go against this and what Victor believes" it was silent for a long time until he finally raised his hand he didn't look up though he was just looking down at the table "then it's settled we can start off with the things on the list then we can work our way up to actually getting Zaun where people can live and actually have happy lives"

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