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i've been sitting in this room with Caitlyn for a while now I lost current of time because of her complaining she's been yelling for the past I have no idea and at this point about let us go bring them back I'm starting to get a headache "can you for the love of all that is holy shut the hell up you are getting on my last nerve" she finally quieted down "thank you I was getting a headache" I heard her start to rush around again "we have to get out of here can you try to pick the lock" I stayed silent I just closed my eyes "what if their are in great pain" I scooted one of my knees up to my chest "They are not ok if they was we would've heard Power yell for me by now so their fine" I didn't like the idea of my fiancé being away for me but I haven't heard yelling or anything so I assume that she's fine I started to hear some footsteps coming to the door there was around four of them coming

I heard the door open and one of them stepped in I heard them start to unlock something I'm guessing it was Caitlyn's handcuffs I don't know what they doing now I heard more walking  I heard something getting knocked over I heard running then someone sitting beside me "what have you done with Vi and Power" there was a smirk on my face "and why am I the only one out" I felt another set of eyes on me "why isn't she out yet" it was a male voice "she is already out" I started to laugh as I held up my hands and took off the bag myself "you were already out" Caitlyn was now yelling at "of course I was already out it didn't take me long" I looked tors Caitlyn with a smile on my face "how long have you been out" I turned to the mystery man "before you took Vi and Power to be fair though I was out once I first woke up I'm surprise Power was out herself yet"

I stood up and put my hand out for the kids "why don't you get up little one there's no point for you to just sit there I'm not gonna hurt you" they were hesitant but took my hand "You just sat there for hours on end and not once did you think to get I don't know the rest of us" I shook my head no as I kept a laugh "nah we were safe Plus it was funny listening to you and Vi argue I had to stop myself from laughing at multiple times" I gave Caitlyn a grin but she looked upset at me "i'm gonna kill you" I went over and kneeled in front of her "go ahead try it" she looked away for me as I stood back up "anyways where is Power and Vi I know you didn't hurt them" he gave me a grin "and how do you know that" I leaned against one of the post in that room "because I know who you are" he looked at me surprised but then he looked at me with a cocky grin "oh and who might I be"

"judging by the white hair brown skin and brown eyes and your around the same age I'm guessing your Ekko Power's Best friend when she lived in the Undercity she told me a lot about you" I saw his jaw drop as I start at grant "how much did she tell you" he looked me up and down "a lot and by the way Power I can hear you covering up your laughter so you have two choices either come in here or I'm coming out there pick" I heard her yell "dammit there's nothing that can get past you is there" she came in the room looking upset "no there's nothing really I've known you for how long now you should know that by now now come here stop you're pouting" I stood up straight and held my arms open she sent me a smile as you ran to me giving me a hug "I missed you"

"I miss you too I was still surprised though that you didn't get out of those handcuffs earlier" she pulled away but I still held her in my arms "I was about to be out of them before they came and got us I think that's give me like a few more seconds and I would been out" I felt someone smacked me on the back of my head "i'm going to kill both of you if you knew how to get out of those why didn't you two say something" I gave Caitlyn look and grinned "yes and your immediate question after that would be where did you two learn that from now Vi I know you're out there as well I had four people coming that would be Power the kid and Ekko that only leaves you and I know you're behind the wall as well"

I saw her walk out and leaned on the door "damn Power was right nothing gets by you and Caitlyn my hero the only one really worried I see" I saw Caitlyn roll her eyes "oh you should've heard her yelling for the past few hours it give me a headache she was just yelling like 'where did they take them' 'they probably been torture' my favorite ones was 'What if they are hurting Vi' 'what if'" I felt a hand cover my mouth "that's enough out of you" we all started to laugh as Caitlyn got it embarrassed "geez cupcake didn't know you could get that worried" I knew that she is going to murder me "hey (y/n) did she start confessing her love for her" Power also had a devious grin I move Caitlyn's hand from my mouth "of course she" both mine and Power's mouth was covered by Caitlyn "that's enough out of you two I will kill you both"

"on another note why don't we get you guys out of there so we can talk" I looked at Ekko and removed Caitlyn's hand again "why not I can start telling you all what Caitlyn said" me and Power started to walk away before Caitlyn could process what I just said but when she did she came running after us

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