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Miss (y/n) was ahead of me and her father Silco I was talking to him and he seemed pretty pleasant we was coming up with ideas of how to get back at Marcus for holding a gun to her head it was terrifying but interesting I'm not one for violence miss (y/n) knows that I get shaky whenever but that only happens if I'm not protecting her

"do tell me boy how did you meet my daughter and why are you so protective over her" that caught me off guard make me stop in my tracks for a second "well you see Sir umm like I said miss (y/n) it's like a little sister to me so" I quickly caught back up with him while rubbing the back of my neck "how did you meet her I can tell that you are super protective of her I want to know why and how you met her" I looked down at the ground as I smiled "it's a long story but it will take us a few hours to get to the palace so I could tell you if you want it would make more sense if I tell you the whole story how I met her and her fiancé miss Powder and what led up me meeting her" I looked back up staring at Miss (y/n) "do tell boy" I looked over at Silco then back at miss (y/n)

"it will make the most sense if I start from the beginning"

"I was 13 at the beginning of this story"


It was like any other day

"Big brother come on" I was getting pulled around by my little sister Serena she was laughing and giggling as she pulled me around the house "hold on little sis I need to get back to work mom and dad will be home soon" Serena kept jumping everywhere as I tried to clean the house up "Serena how do you have this much energy your eight I was never this active how are you this active" I finally caught her and sat her on the couch "now you stay here I need to clean this mess you made" Serena was just laughing and giggling as I picked up her toys and clean the mess around the house for an eight-year-old she acts like a three year old

"sweethearts we're home" I recognize that beautiful voice "mama" Serena yelled that she jumped off the couch as I finished putting away the box of toys "hey mama hey Papa how did work go today" my dad sat on the couch as I went to the kitchen to grab him a drink "it went good my boy remember when you turn 14 that's when your training starts to be an enforcer" I put the drink down by my father "I know dad i'm excited I can't wait to work with you and mama" I grab my dad's gas mask and put it back where it belongs

as I went to grab my mother a drink "that you are we understand that you're not really active or anything like that and we know you're skittish but this will be for the best everyone in our family has been enforces it's in your blood" I gave my mom her drink as I took her gas mask away as well "I know that mama I just really don't like violence that much but I'll try my best" I picked Serena up and sat her next to our farther "is your two turn to look after this little one while I go to the store I need to pick some stuff up for dinner" I grabbed my bag and the money that I saved up "be careful now sweetie you know it's dangerous out there especially since the undercity has been getting more dangerous and trying to attack" I sat by the door to put my shoes on "I know that Mama don't worry I'll be safe"

I close the front door and made my way to the market the undercity has been more bold recently trying to attack us of course a bunch of the enforcers can handle it but it still scaring everyone they talking about going to war soon I just hope that it isn't any time soon I'll be 14 in about a week now and then my training begins

enforce training starts when you're 14 sure you can join at any time but the youngest you can join is 14 you'll be completely done with the training when you are around 16 I wanna say it depends on some people some get out of it earlier and some still will be in until they're like 18 being an enforcer is a dangerous job I mean sometimes you're going down to the undercity or going across the continent because of something else and most likely you will get in more fights than anyone up here

i'm not a big fighter I don't like violence to be honest but everyone in my family has been forces so it goes the same for me and my sister it's just something we have to hold up no just because it's all family legacy but being an enforcer is one of the most respected positions because they have to go through so much training and sacrificing their lives every day people from big household so basically people with a household name don't worry become an enforces because they normally see it as too dangerous and don't want to fight my family name though is built around being enforces so I can't get out of that one

I finish paying for the ingredients that I will need to make dinner as I was heading home I saw a bunch of the enforce around this area I recognized one of them to be the head enforcer "excuse me miss Grayson what's going on here" she spun around faster than anything with a complete shocked look on her face but then went to relief "oh thank goodness you're alive I'm so sorry little one" she bent down a little she looked sad I didn't understand why "what's going on what do you mean thank goodness I'm alive" I was getting worried I started to shake as she put a hand on my shoulder "you may want to sit down why don't we head to a bench and I can tell you" I started to shake even more

as she led me to a close by bench once we sat down it took a minute but she finally told me "I hate to inform you but a fire broke out we don't know if it was an accident or from the undercity yet but we recognize the house to be yours" I completely froze I can feel tears falling down my face as I looked at the ground grabbing my bag "my parents and my sister was in the house did they make it out or-" I looked at her already knowing the answer but I wish I didn't but she's just shook her head "i'm afraid that they're gone now you're the last one to survive we thought everyone in that household was dead I was relief to see you were still alive" I started to cry even more "we will be bearing them tomorrow you won't have to worry we find out how this happened" she put an arm around me pulling me closer to her I just cried

"it's all right Eric you will move in with me for now until you turn 14 then you'll be staying at the training grounds I know this will be hard for you to take your parents was great enforces some of the best ones that we have had and I understand that you had a little sister to I bet that she was wonderful"

Everything change that day

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