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me Eric and Victor was just sitting at the café laughing we got something to eat and drink to give us a break

"so little sis why did you buy the other suit" I took a sip of my drink "it's for my dad I was actually planning to give it to him today and spend the night with him I know I just seen him yesterday and everything but" I started to rub the back of my neck as a nervous laugh came out "you want to see him again we understand that he is your father and you haven't seen him in years I think everyone can understand you want to spend some time with him" I looked down at my drink with a smile on my face

"yeah you know out of all my life since I was a little kid I thought I would never see him again I thought that he was actually dead I was six at the time and few months after that it might've just been a month or a couple of weeks I can't remember correctly my mother and stepfather died on the bridge and I thought I was all alone until Mel found me and became my mom but I still thought I was the last one of my family left but" I looked up at the sky tears coming down "I found my dad and I couldn't be more happier I miss him the most I remember I used to get nightmares when I was a kid they started off as sweet and kind me and my dad just playing or him being around me then it turned into a nightmare where I imagined him dying so many times" I close my eyes as I felt tears run down "I hated those dreams the most they wasn't dreams they were nightmares and I had them for years hell I still got them until now it was rare of me sure because I understand that I was loved and everything but I still got them" I felt a hiccup in my throat as I talked "I used to wake up screaming I remember mom running in so did you Eric you guys came running in and asked me what was wrong but I was to much of a panic to say anything"

I heard a chair scoot back and felt someone wrap their arms around me "I remember that little sis you worried me and your mother every time you screamed you worried us I used to sit there on your bed just watching you sleep half of the time after your nightmares just to make sure you're sleeping peacefully I remember one night I stayed in your room and you were having a bad nightmare I tried to calm you down but no matter what I did it only seem to get worst" I turned my head to the side and open my eyes to look at Eric "yeah I remember that it's a little hazy but I remember you trying to comfort me every time I had a nightmare it was one reason why I hated enforcers when I was a kid because I thought that they killed my dad that I don't know he died by something else I don't know what try to kill him but I do now"

I tapped Eric's on the arm for him to let go and I stood up "enough with that though it's in the past he's alive now let's get heading back to the palace I think mom would like to see what I'm wearing and I could tell her that I'll be spending the night with my dad" I wipe the tears away and I helped Victor stand up "you two have fun with that I need to get heading back to the lab but I'll stop at my dorm room and put my suit in there so I don't get it messy" I gave Victor a hug to say thank you "you're doing good kid i'm glad that everything it's getting better for us and the undercity" I let go of Victor and we said our goodbyes

me and Eric headed back to the palace we kept talking about the past and what has changed it was fun talking about it we just laughing at almost anything that we did back in the past once you go to the palace I saw my mom already there

"hello sweetheart I already see you went suit shopping for the wedding do you mind if I see it" I shook my head no and waved goodbye to Eric as me and my mother went to her room

"i'm going to head in the bathroom to change I'll be out in one minute" I got chains in the suit as fast as I could I made so I look perfect then I went out and showed my mom "what do you think" she stood up from her Seat and covered her mouth "you look amazing in that sweetheart" I walked over to mom and watched a tear away from her face "I'm so happy for you my baby girl is all grown up" I started to laugh as mom pulled me into a hug "thanks mom" I pulled away from the hug and went back in the bathroom get changed

once I was done I exit bathroom with my two bags "can you tell Powder that I am heading down to Zaun I have to get my dad his suit and I want to spend the night with him" mom walked over to me and fix the ripping in my hair "of course also do you guys have a color theme for your wedding so I know what dress to pick out" I gave my mom a smile as I turn back around "yeah it's going to be blue and purple and make sure it has sleeves we're going back to the place where we met Caitlyn at you remember that snow biome" mom gave me a simple nod as I exit the room to start heading back to Zaun

As I was on my way to Zaun the only thought that came to my mind was that it's kind of strange how you thought that someone was dead for years you thought you would never see someone again but yet they show up back in your life after years or even months and all you can do is remember the time that you spent together and that you spent a part remembering everything that you missed out it's kind of strange isn't it

??????? POV

It feels like it's been forever since I visited Zaun I know a lot has changed down there since I last seen it I understand that it is no longer what I remembered but hey I understand that a lot needs to be done down there but something is different now I can't tell if it's good or bad I could feel it in the air that's something has changed dramatically but I don't know what I don't know if it's good or bad I can't get a reading on it I can't see if it's good or bad down there I guess there's only one things to do then and that is to go down there myself it's been years since I've been down there but one thing is for certain something has changed I need to figure out what I guess another words it's time for me to see an old friend

What if (Jinx) Powder X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon