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(The outfit is up above if it doesn't show up top it will be down below as well)

The next morning I found some folded clothes and boots at my desk Powder Wasn't up yet I went over to the desk and looked at the note

'good morning sweetie here's the clothes I want you to wear she should be coming in the afternoon but please put these on for now i'm in my room waiting come get me when you're ready to talk'

I went back over to the bed and woke Powder up "Love it's time to get up" she rolled over some as I sat on the bed "love~" my voice was sweet as I whispered in her ear "it's time to get up" she started to open up her eyes as I sat back up "well good morning it's time to get up get dressed I'll be a little while longer but can you grab everyone" she sat up and rubbed her eyes "yeah I'll go grab them" After she finished getting dressed I did her hair and she left the room to grab everyone as I got change in the outfit

It was a black crop top with red on it black pants I also had black socks the boots was a black high heel with red It went up to my ankles I put my hair up as I had left the room to go get my mom as I walked around I noticed that some of the enforcers that guard this place was missing I noticed it last night but paid no mind to it I wonder if this has something to do with the bridge I knocked on my moms room door three times and heard her say come in "hey mom" she was standing by her desk

she was wearing a black dress it was similar to her white one she normally wears there was a gold trimming at the top of the dress

"you look wonderful sweetheart now what do you want to talk about" I stood by the door holding it open "It's not just me that wants to talk to you I'll give you the brief rundown but we are going to have to go to the dining room" I could tell that mom was concerned "what's all that's happening sweetheart" mom stood right by me waiting for me to continue "I don't want you to get mad but me and Powder went to the undercity Victor covered for us while we were there" I could tell mom wasn't happy but she let me continue "we went down there because the gemstone got stolen we got it back But the undercity is a mess we have two people other than me and Powder that are from the undercity here we even have Caitlyn  Kiramman with us she was down in the undercity as well we want to talk about getting peace down in the undercity we don't wanna war break out but if we go on this path it might" mom stood there looking at me all I could do was look away

until I felt her arms wrapped around me "my baby girl I'm not mad I don't like that you lied to me but I'm not mad at you I understand that you're from there I understand that sometimes you might go down there I just wish you told me I don't want a war to break out either let's try to settle this let's go meet the people that you brought up here and we can talk see if we could figure something out I will arrange a meeting as well and I want you to be a part of it this time as one of the counselors and standing the case" I looked her in the eyes in disbelief  "you want me to actually meet the counselors" she gave me a nod as she exit the room "now why don't we go meet your friends"

Me and mom went to the dining hall where I told Powder to have everyone waiting for us mom open the doors I was right behind her "so my daughter tells me that all of you went down to the undercity with the exception the ones that was already down there i'm willing to hear what you guys want my daughter gave me a rundown already" I stood right by mom

as Ekko started to talk "yes the undercity has been taken over by Silco he doesn't care about anything down there all he cares about is the drug he produced it's called shimmer my team has been trying to destroy it but every time we try we get attacked by enforcers as well some of the enforcers work for him" I put my hand on mom's shoulder as I took over "we don't know exactly which ones I'm thinking the only one was Marcus he was the head of the enforces and every investigation he had it was always covered up it didn't make any sense to me really but he's not a problem anymore he's in a prison cell right now waiting for a trial I think the other ones might be good though but we need to do a check just in case" mom look confused "why is he in the cell and how did you figure it out" I was about to say

before Vi interrupted "Because he held a gun to her head last night at the barricade you have on the bridge he was in charge of it will it looked like he was anyways he had a gun to her head we were lucky one of the enforcers I think (y/n) said his name was Eric saved her" mom looked at me shocked and immediately grabbed my shoulders "why didn't you tell me this last night what else happened" I shook my head as I try not to laugh "i'm fine mom like Vi said Eric helped me he got him arrested for treason because he put in a gun to my head we don't know if he was working for Silco but it's a high possibility" mom come down and look back at everyone else

"I see what you all are saying I'll get a trial ready for you all later in the afternoon make yourself at home Caitlyn your parents are worried about you it be best if you head back home to check on them you can come back if you want for the rest of you please don't leave until we figure this out Powder make sure that your friends here feel at home if you need anything let us know" mom turned around and started walking to the exit "(y/n) sweetie it's about time to meet your grandmother" I gave mom a quick nod as I gave Powder a hug "let's hope this goes well" I pulled away and gave her a quick kiss "yeah let's hope and also you look amazing" I gave her smile as I let her go "take care I'll be back in a little Powder we have extra gas mask in our room you can give some to Vi Ekko and Caitlyn to show them the lab be careful though and put my stuff by the door" I close the door and saw mom waiting for me "are you ready for this" I let out shaky breath "ready as I'll ever be mom"

 "I see what you all are saying I'll get a trial ready for you all later in the afternoon make yourself at home Caitlyn your parents are worried about you it be best if you head back home to check on them you can come back if you want for the rest...

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